Chapter 2- Surprise

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I groan, throwing the pillow off my face and rolling over to see the clock on the nightstand glowing 8am. Why am I up at hour the first day of summer? On top of that, I barely got any sleep last night after Noah brought me straight home from the party. I kept having strange dreams of blue eyes and electric feelings. Hearing my phone beep, I see nine missed calls from Sara.  Well that's surely why, all these calls must have woken me up. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I dial Sara number and wait for her to answer.

"Maine, don't tell me you forgot and overslept??"

"Forgot what Sara?" I grumbled

"It our first annual first day of summer girls day, your supposed to be over here early to do our whole spa/pamper day to get us ready for graduation tomorrow!" Sara exclaims.

"Oh, yea. Okay, give me a bit to get  up and going and I will head over. And before you ask, no I won't forget the nail polish and clay masks okay?" I laughed.

" Okay, hurry up!" Sara giggles.

Putting the phone down, I stretch my arms over my head and allow myself just a few more minutes to lay in bed and my thoughts drift to Noah, and while I love him so much, that uncomfortable feeling that has been popping up more and more lately. Pondering it in my head, I wonder is it the way he seems to have our whole future somewhat mapped out, while I'm not sure yet of exactly what I want. The nagging worry that I have always had but kept buried, but keeps rising to the surface that I am not good enough for Noah. He is so kind, so pure and loving, just so good, that no matter what he thinks of me, I cannot ever live up to that standard. Surely , I muse to myself,  it is a combination of both... But, I LOVE Noah, I tell myself fiercely, if I didn't love him then I wouldn't feel so safe and comfortable with him. Suddenly Asher face flashes through my mind and how the jolt felt when we touched.

Groaning, I push it out and get up to get ready to go to Sara's. The morning routine is soothing and helps my restless thoughts. After showering,putting my hair up in a messy bun, brushing my teeth and throwing on some shorts and a tank top, I grab the stuff I need for Sara's and head out the door.

Once at Sara's house I let myself in and head up to her room. Her parents are out of town at some type of convention or something like that, so we will have the house all to ourselves.  As I peek my head into her room, I see her lying on her bed, on top of her dark purple converter, eyes closed with her headphones on. I sneak in quietly and lean closely over her face, waiting.

"Oh good grief!" She exclaims loudly when she opens her eyes. "What is wrong with you, are you trying to scare me to death?"

I chuckle to myself, "Meditating again?"
While setting the bag with our supplies down on the floor.

" Well, it relaxes me and I had to pass the time waiting on you, sleepy head." she muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, okay" I back off, hands up. "What's first on the agenda? Nails, masks?"

She shrugs " Let's do both, while you tell me all about what you and Noah did after you left the party." she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

I snorted " Well that won't take long, I was on edge and jumpy last night, so he drove me right home, kissed me goodnight, and left."

Sara stares at me blankly. " That's it? Thats all I get? Well at least Tyson and I had a heavy make out session in the woods last night."

"Oh, tell me all about it!" I say, grateful for the distraction, glad to steer the conversation away from my lack of a "good time" last night.

She fills me in all the details of the evening before, such as Tyson's wandering hands and her efforts to slow him down, while we paint each other's toes and apply our masks. I feel my mind once again beginning to wander, thinking of Noah, my confusion on my recent feeling and Asher.

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