Chapter 25- First Time

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Six weeks later...

Asher is asleep in my bed and I peek in to check on him. He is almost fully recovered by now, his bruises have faded and the broken ribs nearly fully healed. The doctors say the swelling on his brain went down almost overnight, and that it is a miracle. When he left the hospital he didn't want to stay at Noah's house, understandably. Even though Noah left for fall semester at college early ,( he said it was to get ahead start, but Asher and I both know he just needed some space) it still would have been awkward for Asher with Noah's parents.

Richard and Stella had shown up at the hospital, adamant that Asher come home with him. He had put his foot down and eventually they relented, making me promise to keep them updated and that we would come visit once Asher was up to it. I could see from the looks they kept exchanging that they understood that I was not just Asher's "friend"as we had once told them.

I turn to head downstairs, trying to be quiet, as I don't want to wake him.

He cracks one eye open and smirks " Spying on me?"

" Totally, you look super hot, all fragile in my bed." I return his smirk.

" Come over here and I will show you fragile. " he growls, sitting up in the bed and swinging his legs off the side to come after me.

" Be careful!" I admonish him.

" Maine, the doctor said I am fine, almost good as new, nothing barely even hurts anymore." He ignores my advice and slinks over to me, wrapping his arms around me, the familiar humming of our touch coursing through me.

" Besides" he says " I have been sleeping next to you for weeks and it is killing me."

I know the feeling all to well, I think to myself as I feel a ball of desire unfurling deep insider. "Well, why don't you do something about it then?"

His eyes darken and he tightens his grip around my waist, swinging me into the bed. He climbs on top of me, his legs between mine, his arms on either side of me, supporting his weight. Lowering his head to mine , he begins kissing me. As he trails kisses down my neck. I moan softly, and he looks at me, rising back up to look into my eyes. I am in love with him, I realize it more and more each day.

As I reach to remove my shirt, his hands still mine." Are you sure?" He asks. I nod, eagerly. He gently moves my hands and as I arch up, he slides my T-shirt up and off. The air hits my now bare skin, causing chill bumps to rise, he looks at down at me, groans and whispers
" You are perfect."

He lowers his head down and returns to kissing my neck, trailing over my collarbone, as he deftly removes shorts with one hand and then his own. He continues kissing trailing kisses down my body, over my stomach and finally down to my center. Oh, god, I have never felt anything like this before. The sensations running all through my body and anticipation are overwhelming me. I want him, all of him, NOW. As I feel myself start to crest over the edge, he stops and looks up into my eyes. " Not yet." He whispers, kissing my thigh. Easing back up, he positions himself over me, and I can feel his warmth pressing against where his mouth just was. As he plunges into me, he stares into my eyes and shivering a bit, he whispers " God, I love you, Maine." I feel the sting of pain and I tense. Asher stops for a moment, looking a little surprised but he moves forward slowly and gently until the pains slowly turns returns back to pleasure. He gradually increases the speed, and my hips begin moving to meet his. We move together in sync until we both finally crash over the edge, together.

Afterwards, Asher goes to the bathroom and comes back with a damp washcloth and gently cleans between my legs and thighs. Strangely even though it is so intimate, I don't feel embarrassed at all. He comes back to the bed we lay facing each other with our arms and legs intertwined. He is playing with the tips of my hair as he stares into my eyes. I feel like I am floating on a cloud of happiness. I had no idea that it would feel like this. The pain I could have done with out, but it wasn't that bad. I could do that all the time, I think to myself.

" I didn't know that was your first time" he says gently. " I would have been easier."

I yawn, blissfully relaxed and happy " It was perfect."

" Oh yes, that it was." He chuckles and holds me tighter as we drift off.

When I awake, Asher is still asleep, sprawled on his back. Looking at him, I feel desire rising in me again. Easing down under the covers, I decide to return the favor from earlier. He awakens as I begin to trail kisses down his stomach, preparing to head lower.

He moans and mutters " I have created a monster."

I rise up and look at him grinning, before lowering myself back down and returning to what I am doing.


When we finally forces ourselves out of the bed, hours later, I am starving. We head to the kitchen and prepare ourselves a snack. As we munch down, I look over at Asher, my heart swelling with love. I know I made the right choice. Deep down, I know the choice wasn't only between Noah and Asher at all. It was really between the person I was and the person I am growing to be. Asher didn't make me that person, but he helped me to find her. He is the other half of my whole. And the same goes for him as well, I know. We make each other into the best versions of ourselves. Why it took me almost losing him to see it, I still don't know. Seeing me studying him, he quirks that eyebrow at me, questioning me with his eyes.

" I am just thinking how perfectly happy I am." I say reaching out for his hand.

He walks over, wrapping his arms around me.
"Me too."

" I love you" I say, breathing in his scent.

" Always." He replies matter of factly.

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