Chapter 21- Cutting loose

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We arrive at Tyson's and the party is already in full swing. As we walk through the huge front double doors, I look around, the place is packed. Music is blaring from speakers sett up all around the house. A giggling couple, clearly already drunk, is stumbling up the curved staircase probably for some some time in Tyson's or one of the guest room beds. To the left, people are dancing, cups in hand. We start to head towards the backyard, where we know the drinks will be. When we head out back, we see Tyson doing a keg stand. Sara and I look at each other, laughing.

As soon as Tyler finishes up and sees Sara, he jogs over, wiping his mouth. " Hey, babe!" He picks her up and swings her around. He then looks at me " Hey Maine, long time no see!" giving me a high five. " Let's get you ladies a drink!"

We head over to the keg and pour ourselves some beer into the plastic cups. I look over to see Sara is already otherwise engaged with Tyson. Laughing to myself, I down my first cup and start to pour myself another. The two guys, whose names I don't know, that are in charge of running the keg, stop me. They start chanting " Keg stand, Keg stand, keg stand."
A few other people around take notice and join in.

I regard them a moment and think Why not? I could use some distraction. If I drink enough, it just might happen. I shrug and grab the sides of the left, gracefully flipping into a handstand on top of it. One of the guys puts the tap in my
mouth and the sweet, yet sour liquid rushes in. When I am done, they cheer and I flip down out of the handstand onto the ground and take a bow. My head is buzzing slightly from the rush of some much alcohol at once. Grabbing a cup, I fill it up and turn to head back into the house, as I turn around I see Asher and Noah both standing there, staring. They both look surprised, Noah's stare has an undertone of disbelief, Asher's appears to have the slightest hint of laughter mixed with admiration. I can't deal with both of them standing in front of me right now, so I brush past them and head into the house.

I drain the rest of my cup, and not wanting to head back outside, head into the kitchen to see what there is to drink there. There is a group of people gathered around and as I walk up I see there is a margarita machine set up. Perfect, I think and pour myself a glass. Smiling at everyone, I head into the front room where everyone is dancing. My head is very light and free at this point and a girl and guy I don't know pull me over to dance with them. As I sway to the music with my eyes closed, I am enjoying the sensation of being loose and free.
Someone presses up against me, swaying to the music with me, I feel a hand slide to my waist, and through the buzz, I dimly feel the shock. Looking over my shoulder, I see Asher. The alcohol has lowered my inhibitions and reservations, so I turn to face him, dangling my arms over his shoulders as we continue to dance.

He is looking down at me, slightly bemused.
"Letting loose tonight, are we?"

I tilt my head up to look at him, god he is pretty, I tell myself. Giggling, I clumsily lift my finger to his lips " Shhhhh, your killing my buzz."

He smiles ruefully " I don't think that is possible at this point."

The song changes and the tempo picks up a bit. Grabbing my hand, he spins me a few times. Laughing, as the room spins around me, I close my eyes and feel myself bump into his chest. When I open them, I am facing the other direction and Noah is standing there.

Giggling again, I say " Where did you come from?"

Noah looks down at me, I think he looks worried but at this point I am having trouble focusing. " Maine, love, maybe you should slow down."

I exhale dramatically. "Maybe, you should learn to let loose a little. Why are you just standing there and not dancing?" I continue to move to the music.

He regards me for a moment, and I can't tell what he is thinking. Suddenly he spins me around, placing my back against him, and with his arms wrapped around me, begins moving to the music with me. His lips brushing against my ear, he whispers " Better?"

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