Chapter 12- The darkest night

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Arriving home that night, I notice the house is quieter than normal. Feeling uneasy, I begin walking through the house, try to place the source of my discomfort. After walking through the downstairs, I head upstairs. I haven't seen Mimi, maybe she is in her room.

I begin to call out her name "Mimi, Mimi, are you up here?"  Finding no reply, I peek my head into her bedroom door, I don't see her in there. I am just about to back out of the room, when something tell me to look in her adjoining bathroom.  Dread fills my chest, as I walk across her room, towards the closed bathroom door. I force myself to push the door open and to my horror, I see her lying there on the floor.
Running over to her, I try to shake her awake, her face is so pale and she is so still. I feel for a pulse and find one, barely, but it is there.

Grabbing my phone out of my back pocket, I dial 911, when the operator answers, I am sobbing. It take me a few tries to calm down, but I finally manage to get them to understand we need an ambulance. They keep me on the phone with them until the ambulance arrives, which seems to take forever.  The rest of the time from when the paramedic arrive until when we arrives at the hospital is a chaotic blur. I vaguely remember getting into the ambulance with Mimi, but not much else.

Once we are inside the hospital, the doctors and paramedics are speaking quickly back and forth and they take Mimi directly back, instructing me to stay there in the waiting room until they have news for me. I think I overhear the words heart attack. Sitting down in the hard plastic chair of the waiting room, just staring blankly ahead, waiting for them to update me. 

It seems to be taking forever and while I am still upset and terrified, I calm down enough to want to talk to someone. I dial Noah's number, praying he will actually pick up. The phone rings and eventually goes to voicemail.

" Noah, please call me back as soon as you get this, something has happened to Mimi, maybe a heart attack, and I am all alone at the hospital, just waiting to hear something." My voice cracks, the tears breaking through again. " I love you." I hang up the phone, contemplating calling Sara, but that won't do any good, she can't do anything from Florida and I don't want to ruin her vacation.

Sighing to myself, I hover over the new contact, I just put in my phone earlier that night after our hot ballon ride. I almost don't make the call, but this is not something I want to do by myself. The phone rings twice and then I hear a deep voice come over the line.

"Maine? Is everything okay?" His usually cool, sarcastic tone is nowhere to be found. I just sit there, trying to make my mouth form the words, tears streaming down my face.

I eventually manage to speak in a teary voice
"I'm sorry to bother you, but I don't have anyone else to call." I begin.

" You are never a bother. What is wrong?" His voice is strained, worried.

I take a deep, shuddering breath "It's my grandma, Mimi, when I got home she was collapsed on the floor, and the ambulance came and now I'm here alone at the hospital, just waiting for someone to let me know something." My voice taking on a panicked edge as I went on.

" I will be right there, don't worry." The phone disconnects.

As I sit there waiting for Asher to arrive, a doctor comes out and calls my name, when I stand, he gestures for me to come closer. In quiet tones, he gently explains that Mimi has had a heart attack, a serious one, and she will be going into surgery right away. He explains that due to the severity of the attack, it is best not to wait, as they need to try to get the blood pumping through her heart correctly as soon as possible. He also cautions be about the risk with anesthesia  with her age  and not waking up, but surgery is her best chance for recovery. I nod, not really understanding it all, to dazed to fully take it in. Nothing bad can happen to Mimi, I think to myself. She has to be fine, I love her, I NEED her.  The doctor heads back and I go back to my chair to wait some more.

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