Chapter 24- Catalyst

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I dry my self off, throwing my hair up into a bun and taking inventory of the paddle boards, making sure they have all been turned in. Lately, I have been working more often, Luna now has me doing lessons and tours in addition to yoga classes. I don't mind at all, it keeps my mind occupied and I really love what I do, it's barely like a job at all. After telling Noah and Asher I didn't want to see them anymore a few weeks ago, I need the distraction. As I clean the boards off, Luna comes running up, a panicked look on her face.

"Maine, Maine!" She calls, grabbing my arms as she comes to an abrupt halt in front of me.
" There has been an accident, Noah couldn't reach you on your cell phone so he called the store. Asher is in the hospital."

She continues on talking, but I can't hear what she is saying over the sudden roaring in my ears. I feel sick. I shake off her grasp and stumble to my car, my body on autopilot. I can hear Luna calling after me, but I don't know what she is saying. With shaking hands, I manage to start my car and head that way.

I somehow make it to the hospital, although I have no recollection of the drive. I rush in looking wildly around for Noah. I see him sitting in the waiting room with his head in his hands. I run over and he jumps up when he see me coming.

"How is he? Is he okay?" I ask, nearly hysterical.

Noah's face looks grim " I don't know, it looks really bad, we are just waiting to hear something."

He gestures to his parents sitting behind him, his mom is on the phone and she looks like she has been crying. His dad is sitting beside her stoically, but I can see how tightly he is grasping her hand.  I sit down in the chair beside Noah's, trying to curb the rising panic attack I can feel coming. I cannot lose Asher, I can't. It feels like someone has punched me in the chest. I vaguely notice Noah's hand on my back, but I am too absorbed in the realization that has just hit me like a tons of bricks. I have been so worried about losing one of them, that I have been stringing both of them along in limbo. Instead, I should have made a choice been taking advantage of the time we have. What if it is to late? Deep down, I have known it would be Asher all along. I was just too afraid to admit it. Now he might be gone and it will be too late. I choke back a sob.

The doctor finally come out and explains to us that while they have Asher stable, he isn't out of the woods yet. He has yet to regain consciousness. The next 24 hours are critical. The doctor says only family can go back and only two at a time. My eyes widen in panic. They are not going to let me in. I look at Noah, and he shakes his head at me almost imperceptibly.

" Doctor, this is Maine, she is Asher's sister, none of his other immediate family are here yet, could she and I go back and see him?" Noah asks, his tone beseeching. I glance over at Noah's parents, they look confused, but don't say anything.

The doctor stares at us a moment, and nods his head yes finally. We follow him back to the icu room and he gestures for us to go in. As we walk in, I see Asher laying on the bed, his normally strong muscular frame looks smaller and fragile somehow. There are tubes running from him everywhere. I rush over, forgetting that Noah is there, grab Asher's hand in my own.

I press my lips to his, as tears pour from my eyes. I whisper against his unresponsive mouth"Oh God, I love you so much. Please please, don't leave me." I basically collapse on him, sobbing uncontrollably. I want more than anything in the world for him to reach up and play with the tips of my hair, like he always does. For him to open those brilliant blue eyes and do that eyebrow thing that makes me melt. I feel everything inside me shattering into a million pieces. When I finally pull myself together, I remember that Noah is there. He is standing there, still as a stone, tears shining in his eyes. I wipe my eyes and slowly stand up, moving out of the way, so he can come closer to Asher.  He walks over woodenly, not looking at me, and squeezes Asher hand, his eyes full of pain.

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