Chapter 9- Thrill

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A few hours later, back at home sitting on the couch, I finally work up the nerve to call Sara back. As the phone rings, I twist my hands nervously.

Sara picks up "Maine, thank goodness. I have only been trying to get ahold of you for days!"

I feel bad, hearing only worry in her voice, not anger, which is what I deserve after avoiding her for so long. " I'm sorry, I have been in a funk, but I am better now. I wanted to see if you wanted to come hang out with me tomorrow? Do what I promised Noah and keep Asher company together?"

Sara is silent for a moment, then reluctantly she says. " That part of why I have been trying to get ahold of you Maine. I'm not home, my parents surprised me with a vacation to Florida. I'm soaking up the sun and enjoying the waves with them, so I can't."

Disappoint me washes over me, but I don't let on. I was counting on Sara to be able to be a buffer between Asher and I. Now I would have to either just avoid him or tough it out and hope for the best. Neither option seemed ideal.
I put on an excited tone of voice for her. " That
is amazing Sara, I'm so excited for you! You will have to tell me all about it when you get back!"

" I will, hang on-, okay Mom, Maine, I have to go, we are about to go on a dolphin excursion! I will call you later. Be smart!" She chimes in at the end, before disconnecting the call.

I sit there, weighing my options. It is clear from today that I don't make the type of decisions Noah would want me to make when I am with Asher. Noah would rank jumping on a motorcycle only slightly below jumping off a trestle. I think to myself ruefully. My mind wavers back and forth. Part of me feels I shouldn't worry about it, that while Noah is only trying to keep me safe, he just doesn't get it. He doesn't understand that I am not like him, I crave a little excitement and thrill. He sees it as impulsive and dangerous, and maybe it is, but it makes me feel really alive. The other part of me thinks that I promised him I would be safe, and I should hold myself to that promise. Be more reliable and responsible like Noah deserves. But at the same time, he asked me to hang around Asher, all the while being safe and responsible. I laugh to myself. It seems an impossible task.

My thought flick to Asher, he seems to get me, not better than Noah does exactly, but in different ways. He can also be impulsive and I have a suspicion that he craves and searches out that alive feeling only adrenaline can give a person. Not to mention whatever is going on when we touch each other. I don't have an explanation for it and even though I can't control it, it makes me feel guilty. I can't say I hate the feeling either, which only makes me feel worse. While I can't control those things, I can control my actions to them. I decide I won't go and see Asher. It's for the best, no matter what Noah asked me to do.


The next morning, I wake up early and start working on some chores. Mimi is at her weekly bridge game day. I have been slacking lately and I feel bad for it, Mimi shouldn't be doing everything around here. I gather up a load of laundry and place it in the wash, dumping in the detergent. Plus, chores will keep my mind busy, since I have decided to stay safe and sound. That will be much easier from home. Unless I fall in the washer and drown, which would be my luck, my mind remarks snidely.

I spend the rest of the morning completing my mental checklist of things to be done. Dust, sweep, mop. I have just put the mop up, when the doorbell rings. Who can that be? No one we know uses the bell, I wonder.

I glance in the mirror in the hallway on my way to the door. Hopefully no one important, seeing as how I have dust in my hair. Trying to pick it out I open the door. My eyes widen, Asher is standing at the door.

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