Chapter 11- There's nothing wrong with a little excitement

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Thursday morning, I head to the lake, ready to teach the first yoga class of the day. The first class goes smoothly, and I help Luna around the store, putting things back where they go and cleaning the boards off for the next class.
Around 11:30, I eat the lunch I brought from home, munching on the sandwich and apple, while sitting on the dock behind the store, staring out over the water. I still haven't talked to Sara or Asher yet, and Noah hasn't been able to call. I don't expect him to, so far he is only able to call about once or twice a week. Eventually I will have to see Asher, because I know Noah will ask when he does call. Although, tilting my head while pondering, I can make some excuses now, that I have a job. That might help me put it off for awhile at least.

Looking at the new waterproof watch I bought the other day, I realize it is almost time for the second class. I have been sitting here longer than I thought. Picking up my leftovers, I head in to get everyone ready. When entering the store, I see a few people already waiting around. Seeing they have paid, I lead them outside to get their equipment. Luna will send everyone else out as they arrive and pay. Once everyone is ready we head out and begin class.
We are on our second set of positions, when my vision is drawn to someone kayaking out on the lake, far enough away not to disturb class, but close enough to have a clear view.

I squint my eyes as I continue running through the sets. Something about the kayaker is so familiar. Finally realizing, it is Asher. I almost lose my balance on my board, but quickly recover. Why is he here? It would be just too much of a coincidence for him to just show up at the place I just started working at. How did he know? I make it through the rest of class, trying my best, but I am sure slightly off, due to my distraction. I try to focus but my gaze keep roaming over to Asher kayaking around the lake but always staying in my view. When class is finally over, I don't look his way at all, I just go over to the boards and begin cleaning them.

" What, no hello?" He murmurs, close to my ear.

I spin around, looking levelly at him. "What are you doing here?"

" I can't enjoy a nice day out on the lake? You should remember how I enjoy the water." He raises his eyebrows at me after he says this, causing me to flush. He continues " I heard this place has the best kayak rentals, not to mention the hottest yoga paddle board instructor around." his tone is teasing, his ever present half smirk lingering on his lips.

" How did you even know I work here now?" I decide to ignore his hottest yoga instructor comment.

" Noah called to check in and mentioned to Jenna that you got this job, and Jenna mentioned it at dinner." He shrugs, stepping closer. " It seemed you might be avoiding me at first, but then when I heard about your job, I knew you just might be busy, so I came to see you." Slight sarcasm came through in his tone. He is well aware I am avoiding him and most likely of why.

" Yes, the job does take up some time." I say, trying to take a step back, but not getting very far, as the boards are stacked up against the wall right behind me.

" Mmhmm." Asher answers absently, catching the end of my ponytail, hanging over my shoulder and playing with the ends lightly.
"When is your last class?"

" At four. " My mouth replies automatically, before I can work through why he is asking.

His eyebrow lifts in that way it always does, which makes me have to try and pretend it doesn't affect me. " Well then, we will make time, I will be here after your last class is over to pick you up."

I attempt to protest " I have the car here, so no need to pick me up."

He chuckled wryly. " Not a problem, I will bring you back here when we are done. See you then." His hand reaches up and strokes my cheek, the contact giving off that electric jolt.

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