Chapter 16 - Dog Days of Summer

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We arrive at Asher's parents summer home around 4pm that afternoon. The rest of the drive was interesting to say the least. We wavered between bantering like we always do and stolen glances when the other wasn't looking. I make a promise to myself to not let myself get carried away again. No matter how much I want too, I have to do the right thing.

As we pull up to the house I am awestruck, before me sits a huge two story home, white with deep verandas on the front on both levels. The home is by the water, the huge lawn rolling into the sea. There a a few huge sprawling trees, perfect for climbing, moss dripping from the limbs. A pier leads out into the ocean with what appears to be a yaht docked at it, as well as some type of smaller boat. I raise my eyebrows and looks at Asher. He smirks in return and shrugs. We grab our bags and head up to the front door.
Setting down the bags, Asher rings the bell. I look at him questionably.

" They kicked me out, remember? I'm not just walking in." He is being sarcastic, but I see the strain around his eyes.

I squeeze his hand reassuringly, letting go quickly as the door opens. A regal, stunning women stands there, her platinum hair swept up casually but still artfully. She is wearing a summer dress that is meant to look casual, but still screams money. Her icy blue eye take Asher in, with just a hint of disdain, before traveling to me. Her expression warms into what I would call " sugar wouldn't melt in my mouth".

" Asher, we have been waiting for you." She says offering up her cheek for him to kiss. He obliges. " I see you have brought a friend." Her tone is curious.

" Mother, this is Maine. She is a good friend of Noah's. Since he is gone for the summer, I asked her to come, I hope you don't mind?" His voice is much cooler and more remote than I have ever heard from him before.

"Of course not, any friend of Noah's is welcome here.It is nice to meet you, please call me Stella." Her smile seems more genuine this time.

" Pleasure to meet you, ma'am." I smile politely at her.

" Do come in, your father is in the living room."

We follow her into the living room, where sits a man that could be Asher in 20 some odd years. He has the same dark hair, although his is perfectly fixed and electric blue eyes. His face has a few lines around the eyes and his frame is a bit larger, but I can tell he is in good shape.

" Richard, Asher is here and he brought one of Noah's friends with him, Maine."

Richard stands as we enter, his reaction similar to Stella's. His eyes roam over Asher, a bit dismissively.

He meets my eyes and, comes over and takes my hand, dropping a perfunctory kiss on it.
" Pleasure to meet you Maine. I do hope seeing as your a friend of Noah's, your rubbing off on our son. Making him see the error of his ways."

I am taken aback, but quickly hide it "Asher has been nothing but a perfect gentlemen, since I have met him, sir." I force myself not to think on how we made out on a hood of a car on the side of the road a few hours ago.

Richard looks doubtful, but clears his throat and says " Glad to hear it."

Asher has remained silent this whole time, his face stony. Just then, a petite girl who looks to be about 16, comes running down the stairs, her hair a flame red ribbon, billowing out behind her.

"Ash!" she squeals, flinging herself into his arms. He catches her, his face breaking into a genuine smile, spinning her around in a circle.

As they break apart, her pale blue eyes rest on me. " You must be Maine, Ash has told me about you!" She exclaims, while embracing me.

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