Chapter 19- Three is a crowd

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Asher and I are on the road headed back home to Covington. We haven't discussed yesterday, not my drunken rambling and certainly not the fact that I am not sure if I dreamed what he said or it actually happened. We headed out this morning after saying goodbye to Cara and his parents. I'm not sure if it was just my imagination, but it seemed like his dad and mom both seemed a little less distant with him right before we left. Maybe there is hope for their relationship yet.
We ride along, engaging in playful banter and laughing at stupid jokes. A few times, my phone rings and I see Noah's name, but I ignore it for now. I'm not ready to have a conversation with him yet. Sara also calls once, but I ignore that call also, not quite yet ready for the bubble Asher and I have created to burst. Eventually we pull into Covington, and as we turn onto my street, I see a familiar car in my driveway. My heart sinking, I look over at Asher and see his mouth has tightened into a thin line, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, knuckles white. As we pull into the driveway, I see him sitting on my porch, waiting. I climb out of the car, Asher close behind me.

"Noah?" I am shocked to see him.

He looks at me, then at Asher behind me. "I just got into town today. I tried calling both of you, but couldn't get ahold of either one of you. I called Sara, but she said she couldn't say where you both were. Not that she didn't know but couldn't say." His voice is steady, but his is betraying a mixture of anger and hurt. " I asked my parents where you were Asher and they told me you went home for a long weekend. I put two and two together."

I glance back and forth from Noah to Asher, nervousness fluttering in my stomach. Asher is standing there, arms crossed, his usual expression of disinterest and sarcasm looking a bit forced. Noah, who is usually so calm and gentle, is barely containing his emotions. Turning to Asher, I look at him, placing my hand on his chest, and pleading with my eyes for him to give me a moment with Noah. He states back at me darkly, quirking up his eyebrow finally and giving a barely perceptible nod. Without a another glance at Noah, he walks back to the car and starts to unload the bags.

Turning back to Noah, I say in a tone much calmer than I actually feel " Yes, I went with Asher to his parents. You are the one who asked me to spend time with him while you were gone and I'm sure you know he didn't want to go by himself."

Noah looks at me incredulously " Not exactly what I meant, Maine."

My temper flaring I retort " Well, since the last time we spoke, I made it pretty clear I needed some time and space to think, it really doesn't matter does it?" At the look of hurt on his face, I instantly regret my words.

" And I asked you if it had anything to do with Asher and you told me no." His tone is just resigned now. Now that his temper is gone, I see my Noah, the one who's presence is like sunshine, warm and comforting. My heart skips a beat.

" It didn't, I mean, it doesn't, not really." I say, not entirely telling the truth. Just then Asher comes back up with my bag.

Noah's eyes flash again. " Didn't take you long to make your move, huh?" He bites out at Asher.

" I'm not the one who left and wouldn't return when my girlfriend needed me." Asher replies coldly.

They are both getting closer to each other, and I can tell this isn't going to end well. I step in between them and say " Stop! Both of you! I am not doing this, go somewhere else to act like cavemen, because I am not dealing with it!" With that, I snatch up my bag and go inside, slamming and locking the door behind me. Collapsing to the floor against the door, I break into sobs. What have I gotten myself into?


That night, I hear a knock at the door. I continue sitting on the couch, ignoring it. It is probably either Noah or Asher and I don't want to talk to either one of them. The knocking continues and I hear Sara voice come through the door. " You might as well answer, I'm not going away!"

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