Chapter 15- No road is long with good company

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The next day was Thursday, so I woke up, went to work, all three classes went off without a hitch. While there, I confirmed with Luna that missing work on Saturday was okay, and she assured me, that it would be fine and she agreed with Asher, that I needed a little get away after the last couple of weeks I had.

After work I came home and started packing, since Asher said we would be leaving in the morning. I wasn't sure exactly what all to bring, but from what Asher had said, this party would most likely be much higher scale than anything I had in my closet. Oh well, I thought to myself, and put my nicest dress, along with a few more sundresses in my suitcase, as well as swimsuits and shorts, tops and all my other necessities. Once I was done packing, I ran myself a hot bath and soaked in the tub to try to relax. I was pretty keyed up, excited for the trip itself, but nervous to meet Asher's parents. From everything I have heard, they aren't exactly pleasant.

I stayed in the tub so long the water got cold. I drained it out and ran more hot water. While I was soaking for the second time. I went ahead and shaved my legs. After the water got cold the again, I turned the shower on and washed my hair with my favorite vanilla scented shampoo and my body with my lavender body wash. After getting out of the shower, I carefully dried my hair.

I was running out of things to do and still very much awake. Finally I decide to just lay down and close my eyes, hoping for sleep. Eventually, after lying there for what seems an eternity, my mind slows down and I nod off.


In the morning, I am sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, bags packed and by the front door, ready to go. As I scroll through my phone, not really paying attention, just passing the time, I hear Asher's motorcycle pull up in the driveway. I stay at the kitchen table, don't want to seem to eager, and he always just lets himself in anyway.

I hear him come through the door and walk towards the kitchen. He saunters in, and it hits me all over again, just how drop dead gorgeous he really is. He leans against the door jamb, tilting his eyebrow up and drawls " Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

I roll my eyes at him. Now that things are starting to get back to the way they were before, he has returned to his charming, sarcastic self. As much as I needed the other Asher in the days after I lost Mimi, and I will forever be grateful for the gentleness and kindness he showed me during that time, this is the Asher I am used too, the one I prefer, truth be told.

" I wish I could say the same." I taunt him, enjoying our banter.

He walks, no glides, over to where I am sitting " Now, now, lying isn't your style." He chides, a dangerous glint in his eyes as he slides his finger down the side of my throat, to prove his point.

The shock he knew would result from his touch shoots through me. I know he can feel it too, although he tries to hide it. Deciding two can play that game, I raise my arm and capture his hand in mine. Standing up, my body lightly brushing against his from head to toe, I whisper " Shhh" while I use my other hand to lightly trace the outline of his lips with my finger. His eyes widen in surprise for just an instant, before he regains his composure. I release his hand, but raise my eyes to meet his, keeping contact for a few seconds, before I slowly step back.

Turning away, I look back over my shoulder and ask " You ready to go, or what?"

He looks at me, what I know is hunger burning in his eyes, but he just replies " Ready as I will ever be." As he follows me to the door. He grabs my bags and we head out to my car.
We decided to take the car, as it would be more comfortable than the motorcycle. Asher will drive.

Once we are out of town and on the road, I ask " How far is it?"

" It's about 5 or 6 hours from here, we will have to take the ferry to actually get to the island. It about 9am now, so if we stop and eat we should get there about 4pm."

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