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Three years later

I look around the wedding reception at the people I love. Happiness floods through me, and I feel strong arms wrap around me from behind. " Have I told you lately how absolutely stunning you are? I have never seen a more beautiful Matron of Honor." The voice send sends shivers of desire down my spine, as always.

" No, Mr. Hawthorne, I don't believe you have, not for at least a half an hour now." I tease, turning in his arms, to reach up and nip gently at his lip.

He smirks down at me " Well, Mrs. Hawthorne, I have clearly been slacking."

" Clearly." I mutter, lost in those bright blue eyes.

" Oh, get a room, you would think this is your wedding." Clara snorts, walking up with Richard and Stella. We break apart as all three of them exchange hugs with Asher. I am positively glowing inside, thrilled that Asher and his parents have finally reached a point where they can have a relationship. As I look around the room, I notice it is nearing time for the best man toast.

I tug on Asher arm, telling him " It's time."

We head across to our table and sit down, listening as first Noah's dad, then his mom, get up and speak about Noah and his beautiful bride, wishing them a lifetime of happiness. Finally it is Asher's turn, I squeeze his hand as he rises up, and he gives me a quick kiss before he heads up to give his speech.

Clearing his throat, he begins " "Good evening, I'm Asher, the best man and cousin of Noah. Tonight we're in a room full of great men -doctors, future doctors," a quick wink at Noah when he says this. " lawyers, military veterans, and successful businesspeople -yet I am the 'best.' His words, not mine. Although, I have to say I don't disagree." He pauses to shrug and smirks at Noah, who laughs and raises his glass to him, Asher continues " Seriously though, Noah is truly the best man, growing up, I wanted to be more like him, kind to a fault, honorable and patient. We didn't always get along, but we always loved each other." Asher stops and looks at Sara " Sara, you are the perfect partner for Noah, and I couldn't be happier for you both" Sara beams at Asher and cuddles into Noah side. Asher looks around " Don't they look wonderful?" Everyone in the room agrees and claps. " A toast to the beautiful couple!" With that he raises his glass to them both, and looking over at me, he winks.

I smile back at him, proud of how well his speech went, and look over at Noah looking so handsome in his tux and Sara, who looks absolutely stunning, both radiating happiness, I feel an overwhelming sense of joy overtake me. I wouldn't have thought three years ago, that everything could have wound up so perfectly. I have everything I could have ever wanted. Asher by my side as my husband, Noah and Sara together now and still my best friends. It was rough for a while between Noah and us for awhile, but getting together with Sara really helped. Honestly, they are perfect for each other, they complement each other so well. Anyone can see how in love they are.

Asher and his parents have begun mending their relationship, Asher is working with his father learning to one take take over the family business, and they have finally accepted that his hobbies and interests are not something to be looked down on and don't affect his
"legacy" . The trouble he got in a few years ago has been resolved and nearly forgotten. There are definitely still some rough patches, but things are working out.

As for me, when Asher and I moved to the Outer Banks to be closer to his family, I started surfing more and more. It is my true passion. I opened my own shop, giving surfing lessons, surfboard and paddle board rentals and also continuing with paddle board lessons, tours and yoga, like I did back in Covington. Life is turning out to be pretty great. As Asher returns to the to his seat, we watch our best friends perform their first dance as husband and wife.

He meets my eyes, and under his breath asks
"Remember our first dance as a married couple?"

My mind flashes back to our wedding last year, I remember the look of pure adoration in Asher eyes as I walked down the isle, the feeling of so much happiness I thought I would burst as we danced our first dance, and I flush a bit from the memory of our honeymoon in the Bahamas.

" I do" I reply, coyly. Seeing that other couple have joined the bride and groom, I ask " shall we relive it?"

He smirks, sending my heart fluttering even after these years and drawls out " Would you do me the honor?"

We rise and go over to the dance floor, Asher spins me around, and I lose sight of everything other than he and I. We dance for awhile, and he leans down, whispering into my ear " You ready to head back home and let me strip you out of that dress?" I shiver with anticipation and nod, following him hand in hand off the dance floor and into our happily ever after.

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