Chapter 10- Some things just fall into place

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The next few days seem to crawl by in slow motion. I haven't heard from Noah again, even though I have left him a few voicemails. I know he is just really busy with the volunteer program and service is bad, he would call, if he could. Sara is busy on vacation, and I haven't heard from Asher since our day at the lake. I wonder if he is avoiding me like I am him. I just don't know if I can continue be around him. The confusion and guilt I feel for the way my body reacts to his, as well as how much I enjoy his company, it might be too much.

I gather up my yoga mat and some water and go into the backyard. I have really been slacking on my yoga lately and it will help me destress, I hope. Laying the mat out in the grass, I stretch a bit and warm up before going into the different poses. After a while, I stop and gulp down the water. It is just too hot for this, I decide, and I don't really feel much better.

There is a lake nearby, not the one Asher I went to the other day, this one is closer and man made, but still very nice. I will head over there, check it out and maybe cool off.  Can't stay cooped up at home all the time.


I arrive at the lake, parking at the main entrance. Walking up to the rental store by the parking lot, I see a sign for canoes, kayaks and paddle boards for rent. Intrigued, I head into the store. I have never paddle boarded, but it sounds fun.  Behind the counter, a slim petite brunette with bronze skin who looks to be in her early to mid twenties, is rushing around, looking harried. There is a group of about 10-15 people milling around the side of the shop, by a sign that says " Paddle board yoga class at 1pm today." Looking at the clock on the wall, I realize it is almost 1pm.

As I approach the counter, the brunette looks up and forces a smile " If you are here for the paddle board yoga class, then please bear with me, my other employee quit on me today, so it just me and I am running behind."

" Oh no, I just wanted to rent a paddle board." I assure her. " Although I love yoga and that does sound intriguing."

Her eyes light up. " Please tell me you have paddle boarded before, I will pay you to run this class, I am swamped."

Regretfully I inform her " I'm sorry, I would love to help you out, but I have never even attempted to paddle board, today will be my first day."

Her shoulders slumped. " That's okay, it was worth a shot. Let me get you set up with a board and paddle real quick, so I can get this class started."

She rings me up for the rental and I pay, following her rushed instructions on where to pick up my board and paddle from the side of the building. She quickly throws in a few tidbits of advice on how to get on the board, how to stand and keep my balance. Apologizing, she says " Normally, I would take a few minutes to show you, but I have to get this class started."

I reassure her that it's fine, I will figure it out and head around the building to grab what is needed.  As I head over to the sandy area with board and paddle in tow, I hear her call out to the group " Everyone grab a paddle and board and follow me, class is about to begin."

I strip down to my bathing suit, leaving my clothes and towel on a nearby picnic table.  As I reach the waters edge, I go ahead and strap the ankle strap on and proceed into the water. Once about knee deep, I heave myself onto the board, straddling it and using the paddle to push myself out further into the lake.  Slowly I bring one leg up to rest on the board and then the other, rising to my knees. After gathering my balance, I attempt to stand one leg at a time. Splash! I fall into the water. Gritting my teeth,  I climb on the board from the side, starting the process all over again. After a few unsuccessful more tries, I finally get it. I stand there gingerly for a few moments, holding the paddle across my body to help balance, before I carefully lower the paddle into the water and begin paddling forward.

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