Chapter 18- Holding on or Letting go

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He is already waiting for me, turning to simply ask " Trellis?" I grin and nod. He grabs my hand and pulling me with him says " Me too, that's my girl ."

" Where are we going?"

" You'll see." He smiles at me and gesturing for me to be quiet, we sneak over to guest house. Sitting under the attached awning is a golf cart, with two surfboards strapped to the top. My eyes widen "Surfing?"

" Look up, it is a full moon. Perfect for night surfing. You ever been?" He smiles, already knowing the answer, I'm sure.

"No, I haven't." I answer, intrigued.

" You will love it, let's go." He lifts me up, placing me into the cart.

I smile at him, loving his sense of fun. We head out and I see why we are taking the golf cart. It's very quiet, you almost can't hear it running.
We drive down the island to a secluded beach area. Looking around I see Asher is right, the moon is shining brightly on the waves. It isn't exactly like daylight, but bright enough to see quite a bit. The dark waves look silver tipped in the moonlight. It is beautiful, in a dark, tempting kind of way.

We grab our boards and paddle out. I have never surfed before, but I am assuming it will be similar to paddle boarding. The standing up at least. I decide to watch Asher ride a few waves first, to get a better idea of it. I sit straddling the board, watching as he sees a wave forming. He lays down on his board, facing the shore, glancing back, he begins paddling once he sees a wave coming as the wave swells, right before it crests, he pushes up with his arms and smoothly jumps into a standing position riding the wave. He makes it look effortless.

After watching him a few times. I decide to try it. Mimicking his movements, I attempt my first wave, my timing must be off and the wave dies out before I can stand. I try again, this time when I go to stand, I wipe out.

Coming up out of the water, I look at him and laugh. "I will get the hang of this."

He smirks " Oh I have no doubt. Just try to make sure your not off centered on the board when you jump up. Keep your knees just a little bent."

I nod and gritting my teeth with determination,
trying again. After several more failed attempts, I finally get it. Pure happiness floods through me. The feeling of catching my first wave is different than anything I have ever experienced. As my board skids to a stop, I hop of in the shallow water, triumphantly " See, I told you!"

" I never doubted you, I have told you before you can do anything that you put your mind too." He leans over and pushed my wet hair out of my face, his hands lingering on my neck. He leans in and drops a kiss on my forehead.
"Let's go again."

We continue on for a about an hour, before taking a break and sitting in the sand together, watching the waves. I am lost in my thoughts. Asher has led me to experience many things I probably wouldn't have tried had I not met him. Each one thrilling in its own way. The surfing though, might be my favorite. It's exciting, not in the freedom filled rush the motorcycle was , or the adrenaline danger filled way cliff diving felt , or even the slow thrill of the hot air balloon. This was something more, a deep pure joy, I feel it all the way through me.

Looking at Asher, I quietly whisper " Thank you."

His eyes meet mine "I knew you would love it, like I do. It's what I miss most about living here."

I reach over and squeeze his hand. " I do love it. I wasn't just thanking you for tonight, although it is the absolute beat. My life has been full of the best experiences since I met you. Things I never would have done, probably."

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