Chapter 3 - These Dreams

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Laying in bed that night, tossing and turning, my mind keeps wandering back and forth between Noah and Asher. Noah with his caring heart, good intentions and never ending patience, and then Asher, whom I don't even know that well, for god sake. I can't seem to stop thinking about him. We have only met twice, first in the woods and then standing on Noah's porch of all places. Of course, he would be Noah's cousin. I feel guilty that I can't seem to get him out of my mind, but I just can't. And the jolt I that we both seem to feel, each time we have touched, what even is that? I have never experienced anything like that. It honestly freaks me out. So do his eyes, how deep and blue they are, how they seem to stare into my soul. Flipping my pillow over my face, I groan.

" Ugh!" I grumble loudly, climbing out of bed. Some hot chocolate will probably help me settle down. I throw on my robe over my sleep tank and shorts, and pad down the stairs to the kitchen. While I wait for the milk to heat up in the microwave, I lean back against the counter, my thoughts trail off to Noah, and how our talk didn't really resolve anything, as we were interrupted by Asher... No! I think to myself, forcing my thoughts back to Noah and I. 

Pouring the cocoa mix into the now hot milk, I absently stir it, as I ponder about our conversation earlier. Noah didn't really say anything that would help to resolve the way I have been feeling, just that he didn't mean to pressure me, so really nothing has changed. As I think about it, the pressure starts  trying to build inside me again. I shake it off and take a sip a the cocoa. And I just don't know how to get rid of this nagging sensation that I can't live up to what Noah deserves, even though won't admit it, not to me, not even to himself. Deep down, I'm not even sure I want to try to live up to that standard. It definitely doesn't come natural to me. Sighing, I carry my cocoa back upstairs to my room, sitting it down on my nightstand.

Music will help, I tell myself. I reach into my drawer and grab my headphones, plugging them into my phone. Scrolling through my playlists, I settle on one I think will help to settle my restless thoughts down. I pop the headphones in and lay down with my eyes closed, forcing the thoughts away and focusing on the music, eventually drifting off into a restless sleep.


I am walking down the narrow trail at the swimming hole, leaves brushing against me as I make my through to the clearing where the fire pit area is. Up ahead in the clearing, a fire is burning and I can see the silhouette of someone, their back to me. I continue forward, my curiosity growing. As I come into the clearing, he turns. It is Asher.

"Maine," he says, lifting his eyebrow " do come here."

I walk forward, unable to stop myself and come to a stop right beside him.  We both stare into the fire, standing close but not touching. 
"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Waiting for you, of course." He replies, as if stating the obvious.

I turn towards him to ask why, but find myself stunned once again by his gorgeous face and piercing eyes. He stares at me for a moment, then slowly raises his hand and crooks a finger under my chin, tilting my head up. I barely even notice the jolt of electricity this time, I am too enthralled by his very presence. He tilts his head down, lowering his lips to mine. I feel the jolt this time, along with a surge of want, no need, like I have never felt before. The whole world seems to fall away. I lightly gasp between our lips, wrap my arms around his neck and crush my lips against his, trying to get even closer to him. He presses against me, dropping the hand under my chin to wrap both arms around me and lift me up so that my feet are off the ground and our faces are level.  I run my hand last through his dark, thick hair as the kiss continues and I lose track of time and everything else. Nothing matters other than Asher and his lips against mine. We finally break apart, gasping for air.

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