Chapter 4 - Changes

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In the morning, I wake up and see the sun streaming in my window brightly, shining through the suncatcher Noah had given me a few months ago.

"As a reminder there is always sunlight after the dark and rainbows after a storm." He had said.

The rainbows it creates dance all around my room as it slowly sways in the breeze from the open window.  I stretch myself out in the bed, contemplating what to do for the day.  The sun catcher reminds me of the warmth I always used to feel in Noah's presence. I would go see Noah, I decided. I need to find a way move past this sinking feeling, forget Asher and get things back to the way the way they were before. Safe, secure and comfortable. Swinging my legs off the bed, I stride to the bathroom to shower, with a renewed sense of determination.

After showering, brushing my teeth, drying my hair. I go over to my closet, wondering what to wear.  I decide on my favorite pair of  of white shorts as they show off my naturally tan skin and a multi colored striped tank top. Staring in the mirror, I feel cool and summery. I head downstairs to grab some coffee and an apple or something I can eat on the way. As I enter the kitchen, I see Mimi there at the old, worn kitchen table, reading the morning newspaper.

She looks up when I walk in. "Darling, you look beautiful today, where are you headed off too?"

" I think I am going to head over to Noah's and surprise him."

She nods. " Is everything okay with you and Noah? I notice you seem different lately?"

I sigh. Mimi can always see through me. "Well, I hope so, I have decided that today we will try to resolve whatever is going on. Lately I have been feeling strange sometimes when it comes to Noah." I go on and explain things to her, filling her in on the feelings that have been rising up, and everything else. Well, not everything else, I leave any mention of Asher completely out of it.

When I am done. She slowly nods again.
"Maine, I can't tell you what the right thing for you is, you have to follow your heart. You are a smart girl, you will figure this out. It sounds like you have a plan to work on it and whatever happens, you know I love you and will be here for you."

I smile dropping a kiss on her cheek. "Thanks Mimi, I love you too. Do you need to go anywhere today or can I take the car?"

" That's fine, I just plan to  try out some new recipes I found, so I don't need the car, you can take it."

" Okay, call me if you need me." I say as I grab the keys and head out the door.

I get into the car and head toward Noah's. The drive by passes in a blur as I am lost deep in my thoughts. Before I know it, I am pulling into Noah's driveway. I get out of the car and walk up to the front door, practicing different scenarios in my head. I walk in and start looking around for Noah. Since it the middle of the day and his parents aren't home, I don't have to bother with knocking. I just make it into the kitchen, which is open to the living room, when I hear a noise. I turn around expecting Noah, only to come face to face with Asher. He is wearing only a pair of gym shorts, slung very low on his hips. My eyes roam over his sculpted chest and stomach, realizing his skin is slightly damp all over. He looks like he was working out.

"Maine, what a pleasant surprise."

I make myself look up at his face and ask "Is Noah here?"

His mouth twitching up on one side, he teasingly states " No. I'm the only one home, so you just get me today."

My eyes widen involuntarily and I start to take a few steps back. " Okay, well will you let him know I came by?" I ask, trying to hide how he is making me feel flustered, while heading towards the front door. 

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