Chapter 6 - Tension

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Sara and I are standing outside the movie theater waiting on Noah and Asher to arrive.
I am feeling on edge again, knowing that Asher will be there. Looking around, I spot them walking towards us.

" Oh my god, is that him? I didn't even notice him at graduation, I was so excited. No wonder your dreaming about him." Sara breathes out.

I shoot her a dirty look. " Shut up,
will you?" I say through a clenches smile, as they approach.

" Sorry, sorry." She mumbles under her breath.

When they walk up, Noah introduces Sara to Asher, who is polite but distant when greeting her and his eyes keep flashing quickly to my face. I pretend not to notice. We go to the ticket window and purchase our tickets to see the movie. We then wait in the concession line and get sodas and snacks. As we walk into the theater and start down the isle, we have to walk in a single file line. First Noah, then myself, Asher then Sara. Noah find us an empty side row to sit on, which has exactly four seats. As we go to sit down I realize that the way we are filing into the seats, I will be between Noah and Asher the whole movie. Ugh, I groan internally. Really.

We sit down just as the the movie is starting. My body feels like it is in overdrive. Warmth, comfort and sunshine on my left from Noah and electricity and a burning fire on my right from Asher. Noah takes my hand and I see Asher glancing at our clasped hands out of the corner of his eye, casually resting his arm on the armrest, just a hairs breadth from touching mine. I try to act like I don't notice and I see that damn smirk curl up his lips. I can see Sara leaning back trying to catch my eye, pretending to stretch. I avoid eye contact with her as all my focus is on sitting perfectly still and not looking that direction at all. Noah squeezes my hand and I look over and smile at him, leaning over towards to him to give him a peck on the lips.

When I shift back over into my seat, I realize Asher must have moved his arm and my arm slides next to his touching from elbow to wrist.
I close my eyes, forcing my body not to react to the spark that shoots up and down my arm. I glance at him out of the corner or my eye and see he is looking straight ahead with his jaw clenched. The only thing that gives away he did it on purpose is the small lift of his eyebrow.
The remaining two hours of the movie are pure torture, I am exhausted by the end of it from bracing myself against Ashers "accidental" touches. Even after I moved my arm from the armrest after the first time, he would find a way, either shifting his legs so his knee pressed against mine, or reaching across to get some of Noah's popcorn. Each touch was torture, because I had to force myself not to react, as well as to not crawl over into his seat and touch him all over.

When the movie was finally over and the lights came on, I jumped up and said "Excuse me, I have to go to the restroom." and began walking as fast as I could out of there. Once in the restroom, I turn on the faucet and splash some cold water on my face, which feels like it is on fire. I open my eyes and see Sara standing there.

" Are you okay?" She asks. I nod slowly, not wanting to let on how affected I am.

She looks at me doubtfully. " Sure, that's why you are the color of a tomato, then? I think you might have it bad. This could be a problem."

I just stare back at her, my body suddenly going cold. " I know." I whisper.

I avoid both Noah and Asher after the movie, staying in the bathroom until they finally left and the coast was clear. I wasn't sure Noah would leave until he laid eyes on me, as protective and concerned as he always is. Sara helped , finally convincing him to leave and telling them I just didn't feel well but that she would make sure I got home alright.

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