Chapter 5- Graduation

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I plunge into the river feet first, slicing cleanly into the water, which is surprising cold for it to be summer. My head breaks the surface and I look up at the trestle, looking for Noah. I don't see him up there, so I start to look around. He is running, breaking through the trees across the sandbar, carrying my clothes and shoes.

" Maine, are you crazy, you could have gotten hurt!" He yells.

I laugh, still giddy with the rush of adrenaline from jumping. "But I didn't!" I call back, treading water. " Come on in, Noah, the water feels great!" I say diving back under the surface for a few seconds.

When I break the surface again, I see Noah is standing there still glaring at me.

"Get out Maine, you scared me half to death." He grounds out.

" Come and make me." I reply teasingly, swimming closer to the edge, where I can stand, and he can see me in just my underwear, but not close enough for him to get me.

His eyes darken as he yanks off his shirt and shorts, stripping down to his boxer briefs, his muscles flexing with each movement. He 's lean, but still well defined. He strides into the water, and starts swimming towards me as I back up into the deeper water. His strokes cutting through the water, he reaches me in no time.

He grabs onto me and demands " Don't ever scare me like that again." Crushing his lips against mine, he grabs my waist.

I cling to him wrapping my my arms around his shoulders, to help hold myself up. Staying locked just like that, he swims us back to where he can touch and we have more balance. His face inches from mine, he whispers " You really did scare me."

I shrug my shoulders apologetically. " I'm sorry, but it was a lot of fun!"

Noah just sighs, willing to let it go. We climb onto the sandy shore laying next to each other in silence, each avoiding the issues bothering us.

" Penny for your thoughts?" Noah finally whispers, mimicking me from earlier.

" I was just thinking about how much I am not looking forward to you being gone." I evade the question, not lying exactly. I am not looking forward to it all.

Noah regarded me seriously. " I am so in love with you, Maine. You are truly the love of my life. I hate that we will be apart for these next couple of months, but I will try to call you as much as I can."

" I love you too, Noah and I will miss you terribly, but we will get through this." And maybe this time apart will help with the sinking feeling I have been having lately, I tell myself.

" Of course we will." He sighs contentedly, closing his eyes.

I lay back down and close my eyes also. letting Noah's presence and the sun warm my skin, relaxing me into sleep.


When I awake, it is late in the afternoon. I look over and see Noah is still asleep. I shake him awake, telling him we probably need to go. We slip our shoes and clothes on, shaking off the sand. Once back on the truck, we ride in comfortable silence back to his house.

We pull up in the driveway and I lean over and give him a kiss. " I'm going to head out. I haven't talked to Sara today, so I need to catch up with her before she thinks I have abandoned her, plus I agreed to get ready for graduation with her."

Noah grins." Well, we wouldn't want Sara to feel abandoned. I will see you at graduation."

I give him another slightly longer kiss. "Sounds great." I say, jumping out of the truck and getting into the car.

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