Chapter 27 Absolute

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"Slender? What's wrong?" Masky asked.

"Something is off" Slender nodded.

"Should we check it out?" Hoodie asked.

"Send Liu and Clockwork" Slender ordered, "If they don't come back in an hour we'll go look"

"Alright" Masky nodded.

"What if it's just (y/n)?" Hoodie asked.

"Then I'll kill her myself" Slender nodded.

"An evil long forgotten?" Jeff repeated.

"My wife" the demon king purred.

"Thank you for bringing me back" I smiled.

"What's going on?" Liu asked.

"Time to go" The demon king stated, he had teleported away with (y/n).

"Jeff where did he just take (y/n)?" Liu panicked.

"Back to the underworld" Zalgo stated. Liu looked at Zalgo and marched in his direction, and grabbed Zalgo.

"What the hell did you do?" Liu yelled.

"Liu, stop" Jeff stated.

"And why should I? Why aren't you worried?" Liu asked.

"I'm not, I'm fucking pissed, Zalgo take us to her!" Jeff yelled.

"Liu we need to head back soon" Clockwork spoke.

"Go without me" Liu waved.

"Slender won't be happy" Clockwork warned.

"I don't care, I'm not going to leave (y/n) again" Liu nodded.

"Just so you know I'm giving a full report" Clockwork stated.

"We're ready Zalgo" Jeff stated.

"Are you crazy? This guy is way more powerful than me! And even if we were to save her I can't bring her consciousness back!" Zalgo stated.

"I can" Yama stated.

"Who are you?" Liu asked.

"I'm an operator who happens to specialize in this kind of thing" Yama nodded.

"What's the catch" Jeff asked.

"You need to bring her here first, I don't have any defensive skills. Take this, once you get her it'll take you straight to my room. Then we'll begin the process" Yama explained, handing a ball that had a portal inside.

"I meant what's the price" Jeff stated.

"We can discuss the price later, you simply don't have the time" Yama stated.

"Jeff he's right, if we waste too much time she could do something we can't reverse" Zalgo stated. Jeff looked towards Yama and then towards Zalgo.

"Fine" Jeff stated, Zalgo teleported them to the underworld just outside of the castle.

"He sure rebuilds fast" Liu scoffed.

"That was his vacation castle" Zalgo stated.

"Let's move on" Jeff marched.

"Jeff you can't just walk in" Liu stated.

"Watch me" Jeff spat, and walked straight into the castle.

"My lady, your host's friends are here" The attendant announced.

"Why are you telling me this for? Kill them" I spoke.

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