Chapter 24 No turning back

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I walked down the stairs while the chatter was going on in the dining room, though it was rare for this to happen maybe a big event. I walked into the room to see everyone, everyone was around the table talking until one by one saw (y/n) and went silent staring.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" I asked.

"(Y/n), I want you to pack your bags and be gone before lunch" Slender stated.

"What? What did I do this time?" I asked, in disbelief.

"My brothers declared that you can no longer be in my presence and since I like them, and they are family I respect their wishes and I am kicking you out" Slender explained.

"Fine. Whatever! I could find Zalgo a lot easier without you forcing me into your games or Suicide missions" I sassed.

"(Y/n), please don't push it" Jeff pleaded, "we could barely talk him out of killing you"

"Yeah I get it I'm not wanted here with slender" I spoke, walking out of the dining room and up to my room. I packed my stuff as fast as I could and quickly got out of there.

"Are we really leaving?" Lazari asked.

"Slender doesn't understand the situation, he's not like me and Zalgo" I stated.

"Like me?" Lazari questioned.

"You were born this way, me and Zalgo weren't. Me and him were born humans just pushed down a bad path. We should have died a long time ago" I explained.

"Please don't die! I don't know what to do without my daddy!" Lazari cried.

"I'm not going anywhere until this is resolved, I need to find my brother and then we can all run away from all of our responsibilities" I smiled.

"What responsibilities?" Lazari blinked.

"Sweet innocent child" I laughed, "let's separate for a little bit, I promise I'll come back for you the place I'm going to won't be safe for you for a little bit"

"Where do I go?" Lazari pouted.

"I'll drop you off with splendy, and Trender they will take care of you for now" I smiled.


"Wait up John! I'm not that fast!" I yelled.

"Come on (y/n)! It's just up here!" John chuckled.

"Promise?" I asked, catching my breath.

"I promise" John smiled. I quickly climbed up to him and saw the view.

"It's beautiful" I spoke.

"Just like you" John replied.

"That's cheesy" I laughed.

"Now tell me what has been bothering you" John spoke.

"I almost forgot" I laughed, and stared at him for a few minutes.

"Earth to (y/n), spit it out we don't have all night!" John laughed.

"Oh! Sorry. It's just some news, and I doubt you'd believe me!" I laughed.

"Try me" John frowned.

"Well, I'm going to die soon, but I'll be fine!" I smiled. John looked shocked and then grabbed my hand.

"Did your test come out positive? For the cancer?" John asked.

"No it came out negative, its just that I have this entity that has been sending me through countless reincarnations and something always comes to kill me. I usually die as a toddler or younger but I'm twenty-three now and still alive and a sign is that my memories from my other lives are coming back! It's gotten so intense that they happen every ten minutes!" I cried, "I just wanted to tell you before it was too late that I love you!"

He kissed me then pulled away and spoke, "I love you too. Let's go back before anyone notices we're gone"

"Yeah!" I smiled, and stood up.

"But you won't be coming with me" John stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and then he pushed me right off that cliff.

~End of flashback~

"Here we are!" I smiled.

"Bye (y/n)" Lazari pouted.

"I'll be back in a few weeks!" I waved. I walked to Emily's place but it was empty. But a note was left on the table.

'I'll be back in a few hours!
-love, Emily!'

"Who was this left for? It looks like it was written a long time ago" I frowned, "I'll wait a few more days before looking for her" I walked out of the shack and walked to the top of the hill and sat down.

"(Y/n)?" Emily asked.

"Hi!" I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Emily asked.

"I came to see you about something" I frowned.

"Come down to the house so that we can talk. It's not safe out here" Emily smiled. I followed her in the house and she started the fire before sitting down and patting on the seat next to her. I hesitantly sat next to her.

"I know about the magic you can do and was wondering if you could help me" I smiled.

"Depends on the type of magic" Emily shook.

"This entity with me that has been making me reincarnate for thousands of years it's up to something.

"I can't talk to entities but I can get rid of them, but the only problem for you is that it has been making you reincarnate so the second it leaves you, you'll die" Emily explained.

"No I don't want to get rid of it, I was just hoping you could help me get it working for me" I explained, "it gets closer and closer to taking over everytime I use magic or die the transformation comes closer. These scales will disappear when she takes over and I'll look just like her"

"I'm sorry I can't do anything about your situation and I need you to leave" Emily stated.

"I get it it seems like everyone got the memo to kick me out" I smiled, storming out.

"You shouldn't have done that" Ben said.

"Ben? Are you here to kick me out of this field" I laughed, but Ben just lunged at me and attacked me.

"This is what you get for disobeying orders!" Ben yelled.

"What the heck is wrong with you!" I yelled, pushing him off and into a tree. I took one look at him as he charged at me again and realized he wasn't in control. I flew away but he just followed me I used my magic hesitantly and turned invisible. I lost him but got lost in the progress.

Okay well I'm going to sleep see you next year! Farewell Reader~Chan/Kun!

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