Chapter 7 how long have I been out?

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(Y/n) POV
I woke up in the shack but it was nicer than when I fell asleep and there was a mirror in the corner of the room, I got up and looked at myself, my hair was longer but looked as if it was just brushed and I was dressed in a light blue shirt, black shorts, black combat boots, and a black cloak.

"Ah your awake, sorry about changing your clothes you got a little to big for your old clothes so your in my old clothes" an older woman explained.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"It's been almost five years, I found you in my shack knocked out cold and you had a fever that took a lot of herbs to get away and I couldn't afford them so it took along time and you might want to hang onto this inhaler just in case" the lady answered.

"I'm sorry but what's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Emily, but you need to get back to slender you have his symbol so I hadn't told him just in case he punished you while you were still asleep" Emily laughed.

"Thank you" I thanked, and I flew back to the mansion seeing slender just leaving.

"(Y/n)?" Slender asked.

"Yeah, that's me!" I smiled, and with that slender hugged me, more like picked me up with his height.

"Where did you go?" Slender asked.

"I was out cold for the past few years and woke up in Emily's shack!" I laughed. I saw slender face palm.

"I was just headed there too, should have gone there when your presence disappeared" Slender said blaming himself.

"It's not you fault! It was mine for going outside to cry" I laughed, walking in the mansion with slender. When I got in I was surrounded by people.

"(Y/n) I'm sorry" Helen apologized.

"What did you do Helen?" I asked.

"You don't remember me kissing you?" Helen asked, and that's when I remembered it all and passed out after losing my breath. I woke up in the infirmary with EJ, and two others I didn't recognize.

"Who are you two?" I asked.

"This is Dr. smiley and I'm nurse Ann!" Nurse Ann introduced.

"I swear to many things happen to keep track of" I said.

"From what I heard you were the one to run away so you shouldn't be saying things like that" nurse Ann said, showing me the way out.

"Thanks but I think I was over reacting at the time but I have to go see slender!" I yelled, running off to Slender's office. "Hey slenderp!"

"Could you not call me that? Anyway I'm sending you on a mission with the other proxy's" Slender explained, just like him you just get back and you already have a mission.

"I guess I am Five years behind on work" I shrugged, I walked out and masky, Hoodie, along with Toby were following me to someone's house.

Ticci Toby's POV
We walked up to the house with (y/n) leading the way. She went in the window and we followed through she sent us to different rooms to kill the ones in there. After five years of blaming myself for letting her leave I was a bit out of practice so I struggled with the one I was supposed to take down. (Y/n) came in since my victim was being to loud so she pushed me out of the way and stabbed the victim without a spec of emotion in her eyes.

"T-thanks (y-y/n)" I stuttered, I thought I had my stuttering under control.

(Y/n) POV
I was forced to kill Toby's victim for him since there was too much screaming and the police were coming. I quickly grabbed Toby and pulled him up and ran out with my hand still in his.

"Come on Toby wake up we need to go" I yelled then Toby looked around and started running with us.

"S-Sorry (y/n)" Toby apologized.

"It's fine as long as you don't get us arrested with your slow running" I joked.

"Hey! I'd have you know that I could run circles around you" Toby said.

"If I was standing still" I joked. We arrived to the slender mansion and pretty much just went to our rooms but I went to mine to find a monochrome clown in my bed, I went to slender to find out I had a different room with someone named Zero. I walked down the hallway to find my room and another monochrome person.

"Hey, are you the (y/n) I heard so much about?" The girl asked.

"Yeah and are you Zero?" I asked.

"Yeah come sit down with me" Zero said pulling me down to her bed right next to her. She started to stare at me and after a long moment of silence she said, "your pretty cute"

"What? No I'm not!" I said, then she slapped me.

"Don't tell me I'm wrong" she laughed. This wasn't going to be fun, as the night went on she wouldn't let me sleep she just hit me when I almost fell asleep or did something she didn't like the worst part was that she could stay up all night she told me that she slept before I came so that she could stay up all night with me. In the morning she threatened me out of telling slender and I went back in to my state of depression and instead of going to breakfast with Zero I locked myself in the bathroom, while she banged on the door. I had my knife with me and started cutting and took off my sleeveless cloak and shirt and but on a red long sleeve shirt because my arms were still bleeding. I came out and Zero beat me more for locking myself in the bathroom. She dragged me out of the room and I got away from her.

Sorry for making Zero look bad but I couldn't think of anything to fill up the chapters that wasn't too dramatic. Farewell Reader~Chan!

It is dramatic anyways isn't it?

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