Chapter 25 Reunited

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"(Y/n)? Is that you?" Jeff asked.

"Jeff?" I questioned.

"You looked a little lost" Jeff laughed.

"Ben attacked me out of nowhere" I stated.

"Ben? Are you sure it was him?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah he even said 'you shouldn't have done that' or something" I frowned.

"Ben went missing a few days ago" Jeff frowned.

"That's strange, is anyone else missing?" I asked.

"No one else" Jeff replied.

"Let me know if anyone else does, I want to know just in case it's related to when Zalgo disappeared" I smiled.

"I don't think that'll happen, I think Ben is just lost. He's not that smart you know" Jeff smiled.

"Right, it's nice to see that Slender just didn't send everyone after me because he kicked me out. I'll see you tomorrow night" I smiled.

"Goodnight" Jeff frowned, he waved as I walked away. Once I got to the shack I grabbed my stuff and prepared to move to a better location. I at least needed my own place so that I wasn't bothering Emily it would also be better so that I could began my search for Zalgo. I kept walking until I felt tired. I regretted leaving the shack before taking a nap. I set down my stuff and laid on the ground closing my eyes.


"Liu! Wait up!" I called out to the boy laughing and running.

"That's not how tag works! I know your it (y/n)!" Liu laughed.

"Am not!" I cried. Liu kept running until I couldn't see him. I kept running to until I ran into a pole that came out of nowhere. Except it wasn't a pole it was Jeff.

"(Y/n)?" Jeff questioned.

"Sorry Jeffery" I apologized.

"It's fine, I was it but then I tagged Liu and haven't seen him since" Jeff explained.

"He was running from me thinking I was it" I laughed.

"Where did you go, (y/n)?" Liu yelled.

"Let's hide in the woods!" Jeff whispered, grabbing my hand and dragging me off. We ran and ran without paying attention to our surroundings our running stopped when we fell into an old well that was poorly covered up.

"Now what? I'm wet and cold" I complained.

"I don't know!" Jeff panicked, "maybe we can yell for someone?"

"We ran deep into the woods! Nobody lives out here!" I cried, "what if we never get out!"

"(Y/n), don't talk like that! I swear on my charming smile that we will get out of here!" Jeff promised, I stopped my crying and hugged him. I whispered things to him that he didn't quite catch but he shrugged it off looking for a way out.

"Maybe if we can get that bucket down here we can get out?" Jeff asked.

"That would require someone up there to pull us out" I stated. I walked closer to him but slipped on the slippery rocks and fell onto Jeff.

"(Y/n) this is no time for hugs" Jeff stated.

"Sorry I slipped on the rocks" I apologized. The water slowly went down.

"It's draining" Jeff stated.

"It's getting dark and cold" I pouted.

"Maybe when Liu gets home he'll tell my parents and they'll send a search party to find us?" Jeff said.

"Should we just go to sleep for now?" I asked.

"One of us should stay awake just in case someone comes by" Jeff stated, "I'll stay awake and you can sleep"

"Are you sure? I can stay awake" I stated.

"No, you go to sleep and I'll stay awake" Jeff demanded. I went to sleep and Jeff sat next to me so that I would use him as a pillow. He soon fell asleep to and we both awoke by something picking us up. We looked up to see tentacles picking us up. We panicked, kicked, and screamed.

"Jeff help!" I cried out. When we got to the ground we saw a tall slender man in a tuxedo.

"Please don't eat us!" Jeff cried.

"I won't eat you but in return one day you two will join be one day in my mansion as proxies" the tall man stated, vanishing before we could say anything. Me and Jeff ran out of the woods running into a police officer.

"I found the two kids" the police officer said over his Walkie talkie.

"You gotta help us!" I cried out.

"What's the problem?" The officer asked.

"I can't remember" I stated as static filled my ears.

"Can you tell me what happened boy?" The officer asked.

"I can't remember either" Jeff said, collapsing. The officer looked to me and caught me as I collapsed.

"Keep searching, the kids claimed that they Needed help from something but passed out and get me an ambulance down here for these two they might have been drugged" the officer ordered over his walkie talkie. The best day we woke up in a hospital with very bad headaches. We were questioned but had no clue what they were talking about and some police officers disappeared that night.

~end of flashback~

"Morning already huh?" I stated, standing up and grabbing my stuff and kept on walking. I ran into a mansion that wasn't slender's and I walked in. Two tall slender people walked over to me.

"Who's this?" One asked.

"I believe this is (y/n), the one we forced slender to push away before he did anything" Trender stated.

"Oh! I don't think we met, my name is surrender" surrender smiled.

"I believe I'm lost" I stated.

"Why don't you stay here as an apology for making slender kick you out" Splendy offered.

"But Splendy, She's not an operator!" Trender debated.

"Only an operator could find this place" Surrender added.

"But she's-" Trender debated.

"Trender she's staying!" Splendy yelled, Trender shut up which made me guess that Splendy never gets angry.

"I'm sorry but don't I get a say in this?" I asked.

"I apologize for my brother but it is breakfast time there are more of my brothers here and some other operators we live together because it makes things easier for a lot of us. I'm surprised that you could make it here cause even if a operator guided someone here they would get separated" Splendy explained, guiding me to the dining hall, "Slenders always been a bit of a rebel"

Woah where did this chapter come from? I'm currently in Colorado visiting some family but am leaving tomorrow I feel like every time I publish a chapter I come up with an excuse but I just get side tracked easily but I'm getting a tablet soon to make things easier. Farewell Reader~Chan/Kun!

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