Chapter 17 Overreacting much?

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"Has that ever happened before?" Jeff asked.

"Which part?" I asked.

"Every part" Jeff answered.

"No, that surprised me too" I said looking down at amber as she just smiled at me.

"Let's just go back to bed it's midnight still" I said.

"I'm going to stay up with you (y/n), just in case you doze off and it happens again!" Toby stuttered.

"No she fell asleep she shouldn't wake up again" I explained, looking at her with how fast she fell asleep. I went to my bed with Amber and went back to sleep.

I looked up and saw Emily I haven't seen her since I left her in the shack.

"(Y/n) I see you need some help now" Emily smiled.

"Yeah especially with Amber around its almost impossible to go on a kill" I laughed, Emily didn't she just looked at me.

"Now (y/n) I came to talk to you about Amber, she cannot stay with you as she gets in the way and could be hurt I'll take her until her tenth birthday then return her to you" Emily explained.

"I-I understand I'll leave her to you" I said looking down.

"Don't worry (y/n) she will be returned to you, one day!" Emily smiled with her hand on my cheek.

~end dream~
I woke up to see Amber wasn't there the boys panicked a little but I told them not to worry about it. Everyone was a bit suspicious about how Amber left but I knew Emily came and took her. Only a few months had past since she left with Emily.

"Come on (y/n)! You can't stay up there forever!" Lost silver yelled. I flew on down and pulled him up with me even though I knew he could fly too.

"You never fly this high, why not?" I asked.

"I don't like going up this high!" Lost silver said going back down. I went to my room and opened my box that I got in the mail from Emily. She sent an entire scrap book of Amber, she filled it up in only a few months surprisingly.
"Hey (y/n) Slender wants you" Clockwork said, I went to his office to see him and his brothers.

"What's up guys?" I said.

"(Y/n), we need to know why you released Zalgo" Slender stated.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I. Didn't. Release. Him!" I said.

"(Y/n) I would recommend telling him, he's not happy" Splendy said, shaking out of fear.

"Stop blaming me are you sure the devil didn't take him?" I asked, I heard Offender scoff at my words. Splendy and Trender left the room leaving me with Slender and Offender.

"Then we will have to torture it out of you" Slender said, static filled my vision and I was knocked out. I woke up to be in the basement in the room Zalgo was held captive in, slender and Offender sitting at a table across from me just like a stereotypical cop interrogation scene.

"Now, (y/n) you might want to tell us where he is before this situation gets out of hand" Slender said.

"Why are you so set on that I set him free?" I asked.

"You are the only one who visits him and he disappeared after you left him!" Slender said slamming his hand on the table.

"Hey Mr. Slenderman!" A twelve year old girl greeted.

"Lazari?" Slender said turning around, "what are you doing here?"

"Father sent me back here to protect aunt (y/n)!" Lazari smiled innocently.

"Wait Lazari did you free Zalgo?" Slender asked.

"Yeah, a mean man came to the door and told me to go get him" Lazari said looking down, "but when we came back he took him away"

"I see, Lazari why don't you go with    (y/n) to her room" slender sighed, letting me go. I grabbed her hand and went to my room when Clockwork saw her she backed away.

"(Y/n) what is she doing here?" Clockwork asked shaking.

"What's wrong?" I asked, watching Clockwork shake in fear surprisingly.

"That child has almost kill some of us Jeff even told her to kill Jane but slender brought her back!" Clockwork said, not taking her eyes off of Lazari.

"Clockwork I'm sure she changed-" I stopped, and looked down at her.

"No, I haven't changed but I'm not here for you Clockwork I'm here to protect (y/n) here from everyone else" Lazari explained.

"Well you two can have this room! I'll get a new room!" Clockwork said backing out of the door and running to slender.

"Thank you Lazari! Thanks to Clockwork and the others I haven't gotten one nights rest from their talking, you are probably the best child I have every met!" I said.

"T-Thank you, (y/n)!" Lazari thanked, Clockwork came and grabbed her stuff then I put Lazari's stuff on her side of the room. This was a sign of a beautiful friendship! But things slowly got more difficult in the morning at breakfast. Me and Lazari went down the stairs and into the dining room and sat down together. The boys saw Lazari and just stared at her dumbfounded while the girls were in fear of Lazari, me still confused on why Author~Chan is making everyone afraid of Lazari while Author~Chan doesn't know either but continues anyway.

"As you have noticed Lazari is back but this time you won't have to worry about her as she is currently learning how to hold back her hunger" Slender announced, not reassuring anyone in anyway. Everyone continued to eat but kept glancing over to Lazari every once in a while. Someone who attracts attention is a deal breaker, but she attracts negative attention. As me and Lazari left the dining room I was stopped by a gray hand.

"(Y/n), I don't think you should be alone with her" Jack warned.

"Don't worry she isn't here to hurt me!" I said pushing Jackson away from me which knocked him onto the floor.

"I don't need your help, if anything all of you are overreacting about Lazari being here!" I yelled, taking Lazari's hand and going to our room.

Merry Christmas! I am still sick but I was able to focus enough to make this come out for Christmas and right now I am completely losing all focus I had! Farewell Reader~Chan!

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