Chapter 12 found

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Day after day men came in and out of the room to do horrible things and I had gotten married to the man who captured me, Zalgo came everyonce and awhile to visit me but he could never look me in the eye. I had only been here for who knows how long but no sign of anyone. I feel forgotten the only thing I could think of since I got here was why me?

"(Y/n), stay tight we're almost there" Slender said through telepathy, was it really them? But then I would have to leave Georgie the woman who I spent my time with here, I don't think I could bring her since she has never murdered anyone but she was put here for having a relationship with slender. Would he take her back or leave her.

"Georgie come with me to the slender mansion, I can't leave you" I pleaded.

"(Y/n), I can't leave this world alive. As soon as I leave I'm a ghost to that world I died and now this is my punishment for being with slender" Georgie explained.

"Then I'm staying with you!" I said.

"Who is coming for you?" Georgie said panicking.

"Slender and crew, please come with me" I pleaded.

"These chains won't break but yours will your brother came in here everyday slowly breaking the seal on your chain so that you could leave someday. No one did that for me, your luck will run out if you chose to stay here" Georgie said.

"Luck? Luck? LUCK? That doesn't exist anymore we have been here too long for luck to exist your coming with us!" I yelled. The building was starting to shake and the roof was falling down on us.

Slender's POV
The build started to shake when we got in it, this power was (y/n)'s this helps in finding her it just endangers her making the roof fall apart.

"Stay out side!" I yelled to the other creepypastas, I started sprinting to her location I couldn't teleport without her exact location, without having a possibility of me ending up like a mob that spawned in a wall in Minecraft. Thanks Ben now I'm referencing to your games. I found her in the room where they kept the woman specifically for pleasure and the door locked. But then Zalgo came running around the corner.

"I got the key, take it just get her out of there!" Zalgo said throwing the keys at me then running out of the building. I quickly unlocked the door and saw Georgie in the room with (y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV
Slender broke my chains off to where I only had the shackles on my wrists and ankles.

"Go (y/n) everyone is outside waiting" Slender commanded. So I ran out expecting him to bring Georgie.

Georgie's POV
"Heh you moved on obviously but you don't seem to have changed, huh?" I laughed. But slender kept on walking towards me. "Going to kill me for the second time, alright I get it but just so you know I only told her why I ended up here but not who killed me. Your secret is safe-" I stopped and looked down at the hand right through my stomach.

"Our unborn child is still there, lifeless and lonely, goodbye Georgie Charles" Slender said.

"Goodbye, Mr. Charles" I grunted, as his hand came out of my stomach and he left me with the crumbling building to crush me. Good luck (y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV
I waited for Slender and Georgie, and ended up seeing Slender with a bloody fist as if something was in it.

"Where's Georgie?" I asked.

"I don't know who your talking about" Slender lied.
"You killed her, again didn't you?" I asked, he stopped right where he was with his back turned to me.

"Slender we got Zalgo when he ran out" Masky said.

"How did you find out?" Slender asked.

"She May have never told me intentionally but she talks in her sleep, that's how I know" I explained, he turned around and grabbed what little amount of my shirt was left and grabbed it pulling me up to his eye level. He shoved his hand right into my stomach but I could tell it wasn't the one already covered in blood. And then he sighed then pulled his hand out and I fell to the ground and waited for my wound to close then stood back up.

"What was that?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter, Let's get back to the mansion" Slender said turning back around and getting out enough of his tentacles to teleport us back to Slender's mansion. I went to mine and Clockwork's room and looked at the date on my phone. I was only in there for a year this time but it still felt like an eternity.

"Hey, (y/n)... how are you?" Clockwork asked.

"I'm fine, a little hungry but I'm Completely fine" I lied.

"could I get you anything?" Clockwork asked.

"No, why are you acting so strange?" I asked.

"No reason, Sally and the others are coming in here in a few minutes" Clockwork said.

"Then I'm going outside, I haven't had fresh air in a long time" I said changing my clothes to my red spaghetti strap shirt and my shorts and nee high cat socks with some tennis shoes. I went outside this time without interruption and went to town and into a drug store and bought some items. I went to my house before I got sent to the mental hospital and killed the people inside and got a shower. I took my medicine and then went to one of the bedrooms And dialed a number.

"Hello, this is the listener what would you like to say today?" The voice asked.

"The bird that once went south is now burning from the sky and into the forest" I said.

"I'll put you on the line with him" The voice answered. There was hold music for almost an hour until a voice answered.

"Ah so I see you are still alive darling" The voice said.

"Don't call me that I just wanted to see if the devil himself had died or not, but since your here leave my brother alone or next time I will destroy more than just your castle" I threatened.

So I realized that I had the numbers mixed up and it has been fixed now so don't worry about it since you really wouldn't have known since no one reads this far into my story but I basically told you in this chapter that Slender is not available in this series because it's just like Helen and there is nothing I can think of with him. There is no story that explains how he came to be so I can't do it. Farewell Reader~Chan!

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