Chapter 11 Ben

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I watched Zalgo get kicked over and he just got up and walked off like it was nothing. He walked right through me and I couldn't see the man's face just because he was turned away.

~end of dream~
"(Y/n) wake up you slept through the entire day" Clockwork said.

"At least my hangover is almost barely noticeable" I said, sitting up and grabbing out my sleeveless cloak and black tank top with my black short shorts and black boots and headed downstairs.

"Look who dressed up" Ben whistled following me.

"What's your point?" I asked.

"I'm going with you" Ben said.

"No, I have to meet someone in town for some things" I rejected.

"I'm going with you anyway but I'll have to go in your phone has been way to long for me to walk outside like this" Ben said.

"You do know that most people will probably just think that your a cosplayer" I smiled.

"Oh, well I guess your right" Ben shrugged.

"But your still not coming with me!" I said.

"Aw, why not?" Ben asked.

"Will you wait outside the building while I get what I need?" I asked.

"Yeah" he sighed.

"Then come on" I said walking out the door.

"Alright!" Ben said and pulled me out of the door. He pulled me until we got to the edge of the woods.

"Get on my back we're flying from here" I said.

"I would but I'm a ghost so I can already fly" Ben winked.

"Then keep up" I said rolling my eyes and flying up as fast as I could, I looked behind me but I didn't see Ben. I turned around and ironically he was in front of me.

"(Y/n), you probably already know this but I really like you" Ben confessed.

"I'm sorry but I don't know who I like or what love is-" I stopped with a warm pressure on my mouth, unlike with Helen I just melted into it until he pulled away.

"Let's forget about that and get what you need" Ben blushed.

"R-Right" I stuttered. We flew all the way to the building I needed to go to, it was the only abandoned building in the town minus all of the abandoned buildings in the woods and on the outskirts of town thanks to all of the murders.

"Is this it?" Ben asked.

"Yeah wait out here" I said, I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss is that what love is? Lust?

Ben's POV
She told me to wait outside but I got curious and looked for her through the security cameras that were left installed the building and found her talking to Zalgo. I guess you can't be mad that she wants to see her brother.

(Y/n)'s POV
"Zalgo, What's going on? I saw it in my dream, What is it?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, (y/n) it's for your best" Zalgo said.

"What do you mean-" I stopped by feeling a pain in my leg, it was a knife and it had poison in it.

"I'm sorry" Zalgo apologized, I put my hand on his face.

"It's okay, I understand as long as you are there with me" I said falling backwards.

Ben's POV
I watched (y/n) fall over and Zalgo picking her up I quickly went through the camera but they were both gone when I made it there. I ran to the Slender mansion I could feel the blood going down my face faster than usual.
I ran in seeing slender on the couch.

"I was wondering where you went since you weren't in front of the tv like usual, your crying what's going on?" Slender asked.

"Zalgo took (y/n)!" I cried, everyone soon came downstairs including Zero.

"Don't worry Ben we will find her and get some payback in the process, I just don't know why Zalgo would do that to his own sister or how he knew she was back" slender explained.

(Y/n)'s POV
It was so dark in the room I only heard someone else's footsteps and there constant mumbling. I had to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness, when they did there was a girl in the room with me who was almost naked if it wasn't for the rags covering her up.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Just a mindless slave" she gestured with her hands.

"What?" I asked.

"You will be too" she mumbled, the weird thing about her is that she wasn't human she was a fallen angel almost like me but she had a halo that was tainted with the color black. I was surprised I could see this much in the dark.

"You can see this much in the dark because it's natural to you" a man explained.

"Are you the reason why I am here?" I asked.

"No you would be dead if it wasn't for slender making you immortal, but I'm going to make you my wife" the man laughed, "you won't be treated like a wife though, you will be treated the same as this slave next to you"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because that's who I am" the man laughed, "The only difference between you and her is, that after the wedding you will stay in my room all day"

"Who are you?" I asked.

"An evil long forgotten you wouldn't know me even if I told you!" The man laughed, as he left the room.

"He's the devil himself that's what everyone calls him, thanks to him not revealing his name and also because we are in fact in hell" The woman explained.

"What kind of work do you do here?" I asked.

"A pleasure slave" she mumbled just loud enough to make out.

"What?" I asked.

"For men" she mumbled, I realized what she meant and I was filled with distress that even a fly could sense. Even a certain tentacle creature.

Slender's POV
I felt the distress coming from her just couldn't pin point the location it was just like those five years she was missing no sign of her or who did it. Zalgo took her but it was for someone stronger than him and who could over power him.

So if you haven't noticed I am starting to show the love interest for you so I will need a direction to go in and by that I mean I need some voting for a creepypasta for you to end up with it could be any of the main ones that have been mentioned to very unknown ones that could be chosen or even the 'devil' except Helen I don't know why but I can't find some sort of love plot for him but who ever is chosen I'm going to reread their story then that's when I will start throwing you in the direction of them just comment who you want in this paragraph but until then I'm just going to throw you at random characters. Except Helen. Farewell Reader~Chan!

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