Chapter 3

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Helen came back seeing me throwing up.

"Are you okay?" Helen asked.

"Yeah it's just the smell" I coughed.

"You should go to slender he has something for you to do" Helen nodded.

"Already? I just got here?" I laughed.

"Be prepared to work non stop" Helen sighed, "just head back to his office"

"Thanks" I nodded, I walked out and to slender's office.

"Go ahead and sit" Slender pointed, Jeff and Liu were already there.

"Hey guys" I waved as I sat down.

"You guys know each other so I figure that you guys can help (y/n) on her first mission" Slender spoke.

"Mission? What is this a video game?" I asked.

"Another cult has popped up, kill them before it gets too bad" Slender ignored.

"Come on (y/n) you'll want to get dinner before we go this will take awhile" Liu nodded.

"There's a lot of us so we'll have to hope most of them left by now" Jeff sighed. We got downstairs and only a few were at the table.

"Hey Ben, Sally" Liu waved.

"Did you guys get a mission too?" Sally asked.

"Yeah, another cult popped up, they're only giving Zalgo more power not themselves" Jeff sighed.

"Zalgo?" I whispered, sounds very familiar.

"A few others had to cut down other cults too, I wonder why It's spreading so much" a girl without eyes added.

"Sorry Lulu I didn't see you there" Liu stated, "maybe there's a website online"

"I'll leave the area and check online tomorrow morning" Ben sighed.

"Ready?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah" I sighed having half a plate of food left on my plate. I got up and followed Jeff and Liu out of the house and through the forest.

"Just how far did they take me? This doesn't look like my home town" I stated.

"In a way the forest is like a portal Helen was at the right place, at the right time" Liu nodded.

"I thought the term was right place wrong time, or wrong place right time?" I questioned.

"This is the place, why do they like abandoned places so much? Why can't they do it at the churches, those places are already built for worship" Jeff complained.

"Let's go" I said, jumping the fence, running up to the window, I looked in and everyone was in cloaks and wearing masks in a circle.

"Yeah very much a stereotype, but they're doing the chants right" Liu added. I opened the window and jumped in, I quickly ran up to one of the cultist and stabbed them. Liu and Jeff followed quickly and joined until they we're all dead. I picked up one of the masks, it was made of wood and had strange symbols carved in. It all seemed familiar, the dead bodies, the cloaks, and masks.

"I don't feel so good-" I passed out.

"M̶̡̧̪̯͔͙̮̬̳̳̎́̆͒̿̔͐̆̍̈̔̇͑̕̚̕͝ȃ̵̛̝̻͍̣̯͖̥̜̘̭̫͚͎̺̖̏̌̈́͌̀̎̐̊͝k̵̨͙̲͓̟̳̮̫̤̔̈̇̑̔̈́̚͘̕̕͘i̴͙͖͓̠̺̺͍̔̇̏̔͘͠͝, M̸̢̨̳̟͔̲̪̈́̋̾͝ͅa̵̧̪̓̀͗̑̂̍̐̕ͅķ̸̨̯̜̖͔͆͊̇͐̇̚͝i̵̡̨̭̣̘̟̩̳̖̹̻̕, Maki!" I yelled. I looked around to see that I was back in Helen and I's room.

"What was that? You were talking very weirdly- who is Maki?" Helen asked.

"What? I don't know a Maki" I stated, "whatever, I'm going to go grab something to eat"

I walked into the kitchen to see a fight going on about someone having too much waffles.

"You don't deserve these waffles!" A male yelled.

"There literally just waffles get over it!" Another male voice yelled as someone with a plate of waffles ran out of the room. I ran after him wanting to know what just happened, I found him hiding in a closet. He was a boy with a brown shade of hair with goggles and a mouth guard that was down due to him eating.

"No you can't have my waffles!" He yelled.

"I don't want your waffles, what just happened?" I calmly stated.

"They were wanting to steal my waffles, wait who are you?" He spoke.

"I'm new, my name is (y/n)" I introduced, "what's your name?"

"Ticci Toby, But Everyone here calls me Toby" Toby said.

"Nice to met you Toby!" I smiled.

"You too" Toby laughed, he stepped out of the closet and looked at the clock on the wall.

"What's wrong?" I asked seeing the sudden panic over him.

"Oh I have to see slender, I'll see you later!" I said running off.

I walked into Slender's office with him staring at some papers.

"Your here now? You took your sweet time (y/n)" Slender grimly stated, I could tell this was serious.

"Sorry I met Toby and I got a little distracted" I smiled.

"How did the mission go?" Slender asked.

"Good, until I passed out" I sighed.

"I know who you are, I don't know why you're here but the second I find out I will send you out of this forest without a way back in" Slender threatened.

"I thought you already knew who I was from the police records" I questioned.

"Your brother, Zalgo and your real parents, your past I know it all" Slender stated.

"My, real parents? Where are they?" I asked.

"They are dead and have been for centuries which brings up on how your so young you couldn't possibly be alive and you had an asthma attack that killed you. Zalgo watched you die" slender explained. I started to feel pain in my back and it got so bad I couldn't listen to slender anymore and when he noticed he took me to another room and that's when I passed out.

"Can't you do something she's dying!" Brother yelled.

"I'm sorry sir I can't do anything but wait for her to die" the doctor said.

"Maki, I don't want to die" I squeezed out.

"No (y/n) wake up!" Brother yelled.

~end dream~
"She's waking up" a male voice said.

"(Y/n) are you okay?" Jeff asked, I looked around to see Sally with Jeff, Liu, and Toby.

"I'm fine" I spoke.

"Everyone needs to get out I need to check up on her to make sure she's fine. what's happening to her isn't exactly normal" the gray man said shooing Everyone out.

I'm back I get depressed a lot but when I read you're comments they make me feel better but my motivation is shrinking quickly. Farewell Reader~Chan/Kun!

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