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Daddy was passed out on the couch. he looked like he had been sweating a lot. "Rose" I looked around the room and saw Freddi she was just staring at me. "hi Freddi" "are you ok." "well I'm in a hospital bed cause I tried to kill my self" " no I mean are you ok with your father" "yes, he doesn't seem insane." "he is trust me" "get out of here" daddy said. "if you every don't feel safe just call me" dad took the card from her and ripped it in two. "she doesn't need that" Freddi rolled her eyes and walked away. "call me" I nodded. "don't call her understand" "yes" he rubbed his hands over his face and sighed. "why" "why what" "why did you try to kill your self." "I don't know." which was a big lie I knew why. "don't lie to me" "I'm not" he sighed again. " do you want to have a therapist to talk about what happened ." when dad said that hannibal walked in. "speak of the devil." I said under my breath daddy couldn't help but smile. "What" hannibal asked. " Hannibal do you know any good child therapists." daddy said "yes" "great who." "myself" "Doctor your a therapist for adults not for children." "I can try plus there just tinnier adults aren't they." "well if Rose is ok with it." "are you Rose." "umm... alright" "great I'm open Wednesday" "tomorrow but we don't know if I'll be out of here." I tried my best not to yell at him again. "you will, your getting discharged in a hour." "How do you know" daddy said. "because I know the doctor, he said he's going to check on her in a little while." Knock knock "can I come in" "yes Dr. Jeffery" "hello Rose I'm your doctor." "hello sir." he smiled. he had blonde hair and big green eyes. " excuse men but I'm going to ask you to leave." "why" daddy all most shouted. hannibal grabbed his arm and gave him a look. "ok" he nodded and left. when both men were out of the room. "so... your father is very protective of you." "I think you would be protective of your daughter if this is her second time this week being in a hospital because she almost died" " your right, any pain any where" "no" "good anything feel weird" "no" "ok you can go" "what that's it" "yeah Dr. Lecter said there's nothing wrong with you so" "but your a doctor for health" "so is hannibal" "but what if I'm peeing blood or something" "well have hannibal smell you" "what?!?!" "Well when he worked here he could guess the nurses perfumes, now he can smell illness it's pretty weird if you ask me." "I didn't know that" "yep" i got up and got dressed in the bathroom. "thanks Doc" "yep anytime" I walked out of the room to see everyone. Daddy, Hannibal, Freddi, Alana, Jimmy, Brian, Jack and Beverly. "oh hi everyone." "did you get are gifts" jimmy asked. "yes thank you" Daddy and hannibal walked past me into the room and got everything. "do you need help." "no Rose we got it right Hannibal." he nodded. "here let me help you" jack walked up and took some of the stuff. I took a giant teddy bear from hannibal. "I got you that, I don't know one kid who does not want a giant red teddy bear." "thanks freddie" before I knew it everyone was carrying something. we all walked to daddy's car and stuffed everything in there. "thank you everyone." "don't mention it everyone was worried about you." Beverly said. "really." "yeah your like my little sister" Brian said. everyone looked at him. "what, fine she's like that cousin that you met once and you worry about her all the time." everyone was still looking at him. "I think what he means is that we all see you as family and we want you to be safe." Freddi said. "really thanks" i got in the car with daddy and we left. when we got home it was about 10 pm. we got out and let the dogs out. "in going to be watching the dogs why don't you go to bed ok." "ok love you" "love you." I took a shower and looked at my arms. "fun scars" I put on my pjs and went to bed. I woke up at 1 am cause I heard barking. "what" I fell out of bed. "oww, why are the dogs barking." I walked out of my room to see every light on in my house. "what's going on" I looked around and nobody was home. "daddy" I yelled "daddy, where are you" I looked outside he wasn't there. ran and got my phone. "who do I call , who do I call , oh I know Hannibal." the phone ringed than "hello" "hannibal please come over I'm scared" "Flower what's going on" "no ones home and the dogs are barking like crazy I'm really scared please come over." I heard glass break so did hannibal. "get out of the house now" I bolted out of the house and ran straight into the woods and hid behind a tree. "are you out." "yes please I'm scared" "I'm here, where are you." "right here" "i see you come on." BANG a gunshot went off. I fell on the cold dirt. Hannibal ran and pick me up and ran back inside his car. we got in. BANG there was another gunshot. then two more we drove as fast as we could away from the house. "call Jack Flower." I nodded and dialed jacks number. "hello" he sounded sleepy. "Jack I can't find Daddy and there was gunshots at my house." "are you ok Rose" he sounded worried. "yes doctor lecter came and got me" "but I'm worried about daddy." "I be at your house in a little bit but for now stay with dr. Lecter." "yes sir" "see you later." "alright" he hung up. "you alright" hannibal also sounded worried. "yeah" we got to his house. "go back to bed" "but I can't I'm scared" he picked me up bridle style and walked into my room and laid me on the bed. just when I thought he was going to leave he got in bed with me. "what are you doing" he wrapped his arms around my waist. "you said your scared so I'm staying with you until you fall asleep." "oh" I buried my head in his chest and listened to his heart. "Your heart it... I like the sound of your heart." I looked up at him when I said that. he smiled, and than pressed his head on my chest. I blushed, "your sounds Beautiful like you." I blushed. "hannibal" "hmm" "you do realize that if someone walked in than they would think, umm you know they would think we did it." "did it?" i sighed "you know they would think we had sex or something." he didn't answer he was asleep. i mouthed I love you. he smiled. I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

Daddy or cannibal love ( a Hannibal fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now