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I woke up to a knocking at my door. "rose someone is here to see you" daddy shouted. "What time is it" I shouted back. "just get down here". I walked out of bed and put on a baby blue V-neck with black skinny jeans. I walked out to see Franklin talking to daddy. "oh Hello Franklin" I said with a smile. I continued "its 7 am not noon". Franklin looked down, "I thought we could go eat breakfast" "oh, alright let's go". Daddy did object so we left. "I don't think your dad likes me" "oh, he doesn't like anyone" "really, but doesn't he like Dr. Lecter" "nope" "oh". We drove until we got to this crappy looking restaurant. Franklin ran and jumped out of the car to open my door. "aww thank you" "you're welcome" I walked into the restaurant, and a person seated us. she handed us a menu. "thank you" Franklin said. And she walked away. "So Franklin can you tell me about this Dr. Fell" "ok he's about 50, and last year he removed his extra finger" "oh" "he was married but she disappeared" "oh" "yep, so your just going to come with me when I or I mean we go see Dr.Fell." "Actually, I made an appointment for myself" "oh really what time" "right after yours" "oh, then that's better" "yep". We ate breakfast and got back in the car. We talked about some other stuff that I really can't remember. Than we pulled into the Doctor's parking lot.

Daddy or cannibal love ( a Hannibal fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now