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I was surprised to see fell behind me. "But, didn't you just went back there with......" i said "yes, and i took care of him. Now it's your turn" "what do you mean took care of him". He smirked and said "child, I helped him find friends and now he's gone" "that makes no sense.... his car is still here" I said pointing at Franklins car. Dr. Fell sighed "come on its your turn for an appointment". He walked over grabbed my arm and pulled me into the elevator. I don't want to be here, I want Hannibal, daddy, the cutest bromance ever couple, or at least someone I feel safe with. No, out of all those people only Hannibal can save me. Will he though, I've been really rude to him and what if he does to me what he did to Mason. I need to apologize and ask him to get me. "rose, what are you thinking about" Dr.Fell asked, but we weren't in the elevator anymore were in his office, "what? I thought we were still in the elevator" "you don't remember coming out of the elevator" "no" "looks like you might have what your father has". I looked down, I don't feel comfortable I want Hannibal. "Where's the bathroom" I asked "are you all right you seem pale" Dr. Fell replied "please where's the bathroom" "it also seems you have a really bad habit of fainting" "PLEASE WHERES YOUR BATHROOM" I shouted. Fell's smile disappeared "in the corner on the right" he replied. "Thank you" i got up and walked to the bathroom. As soon as the door was locked I took out my phone and dialed Hannibals number.
The phone rang and rang
a voice came out and said
"Sorry, I am not able to get to the phone right now but please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible."
"Hannibal please I'm an idiot, please ask someone to get me. I'm really scared. Can you get daddy or Jack..... No I need you. I just want you to pick me up and get me out of here. I understand if you won't but please, something happened to Franklin and again I'm scared. Please just come and get me."
I hung up the phone
I walked out to see Fell gone
"Umm hello, Dr. Fell" I walked around his office. There were pictures of far away places like Paris, Italy, Greece, and many more. I was getting really nervous, I sat on a leather chair wait there was nothing but silence. BANG. I jumped out of my seat. that noise came from behind a door. I slowly walked in front of the door and turned the knob. Two people came falling out of the room, Dr.Fell and Hannibal, but Hannibal was wearing this plastic tux thing. Hannibal pulled out a knife and got fell in the arm. Fell picked up a small statue and hit Hannibal over the head. I fell back onto a chair just sitting there watching. there must be something I can do. Hannibal charged at fell. Fell grabbed Hannibals knife and stabbed him in the leg. Making Hannibal fall. Fell got on his knees..and whispered into Hannibal's ear. "How dare you... I taught you everything you need to know about killing and eating and this is how you repay me. you try to kill me to save a young girl" Dr.Fell looked at me and smiled, he continued "does she know, your true colors. My dear what if I told you all that meat you were eating at Hannibal beloved household was actually human meat. And he was able to get that meat by killing people, you know your dear Hannibal Lecter is actually the Chesapeake ripper." he now had a big grin on his face. I looked to see Hannibal who was barley able to stand. "Is that true" I asked looking straight at him. "yes, flower" Hannibal walked straight for me and brought me into a hug. i wanted to push away but right now I couldn't my head began to hurt. "Now what? Are you going to kill me" i asked from his chest. I could tell Hannibal was looking at Fell. "depends" Fell finally answered. "Will you tell" Hannibal finished. I looked at them both "no, not in a million years" Hannibal rubbed my head and replied "that's my girl" and kissed my forehead.

Daddy or cannibal love ( a Hannibal fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now