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I opened my eyes it was pitch black. "umm, hello" "Rose" a light went on shining on my mom. her bright golden hair, her pale skin, her rosy cheeks. "mommy!!" I ran straight to her wrapping my arms around her. she smiled and laughed "I miss you too" she said. I started to cry "mommy I thought you were dead" I said into her stomach. "I am sweet heart" "but, that means I'm dead." "no honey, it's a dream" "mommy why is daddy hate me." she frowned "do you hear yourself, your acting like you're 5" I looked down, "mom I'm scared" "what did Dr.Lecter say" "don't be" "listen to him he's a doctor." she smiled. I felt cold drops of water on my head. I looked up, "what's that" I didn't get a reply so I looked back down. "mom? Where are you?" I couldn't find her anywhere. I heard "1....2....3" I gasp for air. than I heard again "1...2....3" I gasped. "She's awake" that voice it sounds like I heard it before. the voice than said "one more time..... 1....2....3" I sat up gasping for air. I looked around I was in a bed, the sheets were soft and the color was red as blood. I looked around and saw 4 men around me, on looked like a doctor and the other 3 looked like body guards. out of the corner of my eye there was a bed around the was screens and tubes. "is she awake?" The man in the bed asked. "yes sir" "leave than" "yes sir" and the four men got up and left. I slid out of the sheets but when I tried to step I fell and hit my knee. letting out a painful hiss. "what" the man asked, "I fell, what's wrong with my leg" "you don't remember, your loving father shot you." I got up again and limped to him. "MASON" he smiled and laughed. "took you long enough beautiful" i got up to his bed and sat next to me. "are you ok" "well my face is half gone and I can't move." "it could be worse" he smiled "you always seemed to be the glass is half full type of gal" "does it hurt" as I whispered that I touched his lower half of his face. "why would you care" "because I feel horrible for what Hannibal did" "don't". I lightly kissed his cheek that was now plastic. "if I could feel that, I bet it's soft as angels voice" I smirked and kissed his temple. "excuse me sir" I looked up, "yes Daniel" "there's an agent Jack Crawford wishing to speak to you" "bring him in" the man left. "Rose can you fix my pillow" I nodded and fluffed his pillow. I placed my head on his chest. "now you like me" "I feel really bad" he laughed. when he finished laughing Jack walked in.

Authors notes
I'm so sorry this chapter took so long. I am going 2 try and update really soon.

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