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After what felt like hours, max came into the car. He backed up and now was on the main rode. we drove than at the entrance of the free way. "get out" max hissed. "what?" "I SAID GET OUT OF MY CAR". I opened the door and stood at the entrance. I stood for hours until. "Rose right" I car pulled up. "oh hello franklin" he smiled. "you remember me" "of course" "hurry up get in" I got into franklins car. "where am I taking you" he asked with a smile. "any where" "oh ummm, I think Dr. Lecter is still at his office". I didn't reply. "are you ok" "yeah" "you don't seem ok" "I'm a teenage girl, I'm moody" "oh" he said looking down. "I'm joking Franklin" I said with a smile. "oh". "So has Hannibal been mean to you?" "No, he wants me to see a different therapist" "why" "he says I'm getting to close" "whaaatt, I don't see that" I said sarcastically. "I know right" "who's the new therapist" "a older man be the name of Dr. Fell" "oh" "I'm nervous to meet him" "why" "what if he doesn't like me, what if he just said I can't help you. do you know how my therapists I have had" "no" "this will be my 27 therapist" "wow, I didn't even know there was that many" "I just can't be rejected again". Franklin, he looks really sad is he, no he's crying. "I just can't" "hey franklin" "yeah" "do you want to be friends" he turned and looked at me. "I don't have any friends but,if you want we could be friends" I said with a smile. "yes I would like that a lot" i smiled. "umm rose" "yes Franklin" "can you come with me" "with you where" "to see Dr.Fell, Doctors seem to like you" "as you wish Franklin I would love to" I said with a smile. "ohh looks like we're are here I'll pick you up at your house around noon, is that ok" "yep see you then". I jumped out of the car and walked into the office. I walked to my desk picking up the phone. I could here it ring. "hello?" "Hello Hannibal" he hung up the phone. I saw Hannibal walk around the corner with a smirk. "why did I wake up in Mason's house" "cause I gave them you" "why" "cause I could" i frowned. "Being rude again" I said " you were being more rude" "what" "you slapped me" "and you deserved it" "I did not" he said. "Maybe this is why I am going to a different therapist" "what" "yep, that's why I'm here, I need my records" "is this a joke" "nope, may I please have my records Dr. Lecter" he looked shocked and said "does Will know about this" "yep" which was a lie. "but... why..." "cause I asked him if I could go to a different one" "but..." "please let me have my records" he nodded and walked off and came back with my records in hand. "thank you" I tried to pull them out of his hand but he wouldn't let go. "Hannibal let go" i pulled and pulled. I finally fell back when Hannibal let go. "oww thanks Hannibal" I said sarcastically. "good bye Hannibal " I bowed my head and started to walk home.

Daddy or cannibal love ( a Hannibal fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now