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I woke up in my bed. I heard Mason, "no what's he doing here" I tried to move but couldn't. my door opened it was hannibal, he left the door open and walked to me. "what going on" I whispered "things" I looked behind him and saw Mason feeding the dogs his face. "what's wrong with him" "lets just say never do drugs flower" I nodded. I felt pain in my stomach. I let my hand hover over the wound. "don't worry, it turns out that you weren't pregnant" hannibal said with a smile. I nodded again. he let out a sigh, and said "we have been missing for a week, Will hasn't told anyone that he found us, and if you want he won't tell" I looked at him, "can't he lose his job" "yes, but we need to think of a story" I nodded. He walked over to the bed and slowly got in. "hannibal what are you doing?!?!" "Don't sound so surprised" with that he wrapped his hands around my waist. "stop, Hannibal" I grabbed his hands and pushed him away. He fell off the bed. "haha you show him who's boss, beautiful" Mason shouted. I got up and walked towards Mason. I slowly pressed my hand on his cheek, blood started to slide down my fingers. "does it hurt" I asked. he smiled and laughed, "I can't feel anything". I left up my hand and noticed Hannibal behind me. I walked over to him and slapped him with my bloody hand, leaving red on the side of his face. "I did not see that coming" Mason said. i have him a look. and stared at Hannibal and before I could say anything Mason says "I'm hungry" hannibal said "than eat your nose" Mason smiled and said "alright" with that he cut off his nose and ate it. I just stared, "you want some beautiful" Mason said while holding out s piece of flesh. "no thank you Mason" . I grabbed Masons knife and looked at hannibal , "yes flower" "don't you yes flower me Hannibal, what the hell did you do to Mason" "why do you....." before he could finish his sentence Mason shouted "IM IN LOVE WITH ROSE SWEET GRAHAM" "MASON, ssshh ok let me talk." I said in a loving voice. "aww, she loves me back" I sighed "Mason, do you want your knife back" "yes my love" "than be quiet" he nodded and I handed him the knife. "as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" Hannibal said and continued "he hurt you, he deserves worse than this" "hannibal, he is eating his face" "and" "your being rude" "ok" i frowned. Mason bust up laughing. Hannibal walked behind him and broke Masons neck. "Hannibal what the hell" I yelled. Hannibal got on his knees and started to look through a bag. he held up a needle. "no Hannibal don't please" I bolted around the corner. Hannibal ran after me. I was grabbed by hannibal and felt the needle in my neck. "why" I whispered. "because I love you" he whispered in my ear. "no you don't" when I whispered that every thing went black.

Authors notes
Sorry it took me forever to post this, I hope you like this chapter.

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