Chapter 4:Discovery and Trust.

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It's Sunday and I can't see Jahseh today because he has a 'work' thing. I think he's dealing but I'm waiting for him to tell me because me just making that assumption is rude as hell. I feel it though. Like why not specify your hustle?

I've showered and changed already, but now I'm sitting on my bed looking for motivation to go study.

My room is soo clean it feels weird and the smell of the incense gives it a peaceful aura.

"Daniella... Ya mother sent mail"


I went downstairs to get it and also some breakfast. I cut up 2 apples and pineapple. I also got some grapes and berries, put them in a bowl, grabbed a glass of coconut water and two bottles of water, and then made my way back up the stairs. 

I was rather surprised that she had written to me after so long but opened it, nonetheless.

It read.
"Hello DaniI hope all is well with your studies. Soon you'll be graduating and I'm so proud of you. Also...Have you lost any weight yet? I told you that your health is important.

Please do not forget to study hard in these coming weeks. I wish I could be there to see you graduate but sadly I can't. It also seems as though my sentence will be lengthened because they have more evidence against me"

"This is life though. And what is to happen, will happen. I hope you're fighting your demons and that you've been praying. I told you that prayer is all you need. Those pills will ruin you, my child."

"Baby. I love you and I want what's best for you but I have to let you know this. Don't be surprised because this has been planned and there is no other way as you have no siblings. After your exams and graduation, you will have a month free. On August 1st you will travel to meet someone who and why will be later specified. Do as I say and all will be clear. افتح الخزائن."(Open the Safes)

ثلاثة آلاف و خمسة مائة و ستة و تسعون.1

ألفين و مائة و تسعة و سبعون.2


"Once you've processed everything. Come see me. Get rid of this.

Love, Queen."

I rolled my eyes at her antics. It's always some shit. She speaks as if she's so high class when she's just old and stuck in her ways.

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