Part 35: Freedom at heart.

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This is not edited but I needed to update it. Y'all are lucky I didn't just say they got shot in the head. I'm not sure how I feel about this book anymore...But if you want to, you can check out the new one.

It was here, today was the day. We are at the house but we slept separately last night. I am wearing my collar only, sitting on my old bed, repeating to myself that I am safe, over and over. The anxiety is killing me even though I know it's Jahseh that'll be here and that he won't hurt me.

We practiced for this, we put Money and Shaniah in charge of the organization after we merged his and mine so that we could focus on this and the legal businesses. I cried a lot and it's finally here. We saw each other once this morning and that was to pray.

The door opened and he walked in, not addressing me but stripping of his clothes immediately. I kept my eyes down to the floor as I dropped down to my knees. He stood before me and pulled me up by my upper arm, "Time for inspection, pet".

He sat on the bed and I twirled slowly in front of him, not making eye contact but feeling his eyes, on me like weights. 

"You still look like a cow!" he spat in disgust, "You are Nothing! your parents never even wanted you, I am the person who spends the most time with you even though I shouldn't! I tolerate your whiny behavior and your horrible looks!"

I didn't say anything because I wasn't given permission to speak but silent tears ran down my frowned face.

"Go press record and dim the lights!Hurry!Hurry!If you walk fast enough you might shed some of that pig fat! Walk you fucking elephant!Walk!" he chanted as I raced around the room to do as commanded.

"Get back where you belong!"

I dropped to my knees once more, he slapped me across my face, and just as I went to open my mouth, he shoved his dick down my throat, repeatedly holding it there and letting go when I tapped his leg, "This is what you were made for!" 

Thirteen-year-old me didn't have the privilege of doing that, of allowing ' master' to know when I needed to breathe.

After what felt like about twenty minutes, he made me kneel on the bed, with my hand behind my back. He came up from behind me and pushed my face into the mattress, holding my head there while eating my pussy from an angle, making me fight for my breath as my body shuddered and I tried not to cum yet not wanting to ask. He ro

I am safe.

I am safe.

I am safe

I am s-

He raised my head, in turn pulling me until my back was arched against his front, my head laying in between his and his neck. He then slammed his entire length into me, making me cry out as his hand move up to my neck, applying pressure. With every thrust, he pulled out completely and pushed back in just as fast, sucking hungrily on my little bit of exposed neck, surely leaving bloody marks with his rough nips. 

"This is how you like it!" he claimed just like James did as if he was convincing himself, "This is how you like it. You're a whore!

"You're a young whore and that's all you'll ever be!"

I came over and over again in that position until my knees got sore. He pushed me into the bed once more and set, "Get accustomed to this position because no one wants to see a hideous face like yours."

I whimpered as he entered me again with full speed but stopped because of my noise, "did you ask to speak?"

"No master-"

"That's what I thought," he continued, slapping my ass and railing me for almost an hour, not even stopping or slowing down when I'd cum but only when he had to. I cried throughout most of it, in between traumatized and liberated because I knew that this time when I wanted him to stop he would.

He once more changed the position, he sat up and made me sit on him. I slowly lowered myself onto his rock-hard member. He allowed me to ride him at me comforted paste, one hand pulling on my collar while the other guided me up and down on him, our now sweaty bodies slapping together, softy.

"Wait..wait," he said and I came out of my trance, slipping him out of me but I didn't move off of him. 

"Look at me.." he demanded and so I did, "You know I love you right?"


"I can't do the next part, I love you and I promise you that I'll always keep you safe, and we can do all that you want to do but I can't- I refuse to do something to you that he did, cause it won't erase it, I love yo ass too much for that."

"I understand, "I said sleepily with a smile. All my energy was gone suddenly. I lay my head on his shoulder, "Take me away from this place, take me home."

I understood what he was saying, I am free, we are free. We are safe and no longer living in those situations. We have the craziest, amazing friends and we are striving for success in and out of our relationship. I am content with him, I am convinced that he is my person.

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