Chapter 33: You were worth it.

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Thursday 19th August.

We spent the last few days preparing for tomorrow. Fuego landed in Italy yesterday and we had a plan. More money had to be thrown at it but we were now two steps ahead at all times. We have to get back to  America via private jet as we plan to have her baby. Jahseh and I have been there for each other a lot. Aaliyah is in love with Luca and him, her. Money and Shaniah are okay and so are Erica and Kym. 

I'm ready for this to be over. Fuego has seven people with her and apparently, that's her whole crew. Jahseh, Shaniah, Money Kym, Luca, and I plus 4 borrowed 'well trained' made men would be going.  I'm scared shitless. I pray that God blesses our guns and jams there's. My mother however is on sniper duty. Honestly, to me, that's a pussy ass move. They are staying in a motel, trying not to bring attention to themselves and the nearest building, is a hospital, ten minutes away on foot.

Friday 20th August.

We were dressed and ready, all strapped up and packed up. I turned to Jahseh, "Babe, If I die, don't play no slow ass music in my funeral, for a fact, log on to my Spotify, I have a playlist." 

"We are not going to die, Dani-"He started but was interrupted by Money, "I got one too!".

We giggled it off and I kissed Jahseh's lips. We joined hands in prayer and Money led, "Dear Lordt, Thank you for all that you have gifted us and I pray that keep us safe...And in your name, I hope that Fuego bitch choke on a motherfuckin fly and die, let that bitch know that nobody finna cry, Ahhmen," he prayed. When he opened his eyes, everyone bust out laughing,  mumbling 'Amen' shortly after.

Mr.Vito came up to us, "Daniella, are you all ready?"

"Yes sir," I replied.

"I spoke to the consigliere, you have the boss' his blessing. You however only have 15 minutes, your mother, however, is imprisoned for reasons I am not to discuss," he spoke in his thick accent, watching Luca and Aaliyah walk down the stairs. She really has the audacity to get locked up now?

"Non hai senso? Questo ampio comune capisce cosa significa far parte di questa famiglia?"Vito directed to his son. (Have you no sense? Does this common broad understand what it means to be a part of this family?)

"I am above you father and I will do as I please, I will never treat her like you treated mother!"Luca replied harshly, what's their story?

"You talk as if there is an option."

"You seem to have the incomprehension that being disloyal makes you more of a man," Luca shot back.

"Don't you dear disrespect me boy-"

"You are quite expendable. You know not who you talk to."

With that, Vito left.

When we arrived to at the vehicles Luca said to his six men, counting the two drivers," We will take a long way and my men will lead."

"The consigliere said that the boss said we only have fifteen minutes, "I objected.

"I doubt that the boss will have an issue," He replied, hopping in the car with the open door and sticking his hand down to help Shaniah. Money slapped his hand down and pulled Shaniah across to the other vehicle and out of my way. He pulled me up and I held the duffle with the guns until Jahseh got in.

Luca answered his phone shortly after we pulled off. He then said, "Your mother and my father are with Fuego," he stated. I slapped my forehead.

"You need to understand that they want you dead, we will enter from a different point."

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