Chapter 32:Heart breaks and Make ups

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Thursday 12th August 1:30 pm

My mother just joined me in Jahseh and I's room, claiming she wanted us to spend a little time together but all she's asked about is our relationship.

"Look, ma, you got something to say?"I questioned getting irritated. 

"I think something is wrong with him okay! I own shares in that dinner and I requested surveillance to see how long Fuego had been trailing you," she said, referring to the diner that Jahseh and I met at, "He was there, every day for two weeks before he talked to you. He sat at the back. Daniella, are you sure you are safe?"

I was startled but it could've been anything. Like he didn't know how to approach me or I don't know, "Ma, I think I wanna take a nap, I'll talk to you later, "I said and she got up, "send Jahseh when you go down."

"Look, I'm not trying-"She started but I cut her off saying, "I trust him, but to satisfy you, I'll ask."

She nodded reluctantly and left. Jahseh showed up soon after and I immediately asked, "How long did see me before you spoke to me?"

"What's up with the attitude?" he looked me up and down, "About a week, I wasn't sure on how to approach you yet..what's up with that?"

"Did you know who I was?"I propped my hands on my knees, holding my head.

"No Daniella what the fuck!?" he exclaimed.

"My mother just told me you were at the dinner every day-"

"Tell Queen's slow as that I been going to that place for years after work. When we started talking bout the fashion show I didn't eat until 3-4 o'clock in the evening. Don't let her bullshit get in your head. What does she think? I was stalking you? setting you up? And I'd introduce you to my people? What kinda fuckery is that? Don't you trust me? or are we gonna have more arguments like this?"He ranted, hollering at the question.

"No Jahseh, I was just asking for her sake."

"But she's not here, "he walked closer to me, raising my head up by my chin so I could look at his anger-filled expression, "Listen to me, if she intends to insult my integrity, my mother will be the last thing she has to worry about because I don't want nobody getting in your head bout me. If you gotta find some wrong, find it on your own, or don't cross me with it.."

He looked down at me, "Do you hear me?"


"Good, now Imma let ya mama know to speak to me face to face.  Got no time for a run around," he let go of my chin and walked away. I followed him, hoping that there isn't a blowout.

He reached into the living room where everyone including Vito was sitting he said, "Ms.Queen," and she made eye contact with me. Everyone got silent, including the guards nearby. He continued, "I know you never liked me. You told my mama I was crazy when I was a little boy right, you used to squirm when I touched you and shit," he laughed humourlessly, "but I love ya daughter and I already spent most of my knowing life tryna prove to myself that I'm man enough so I know I ain't gotta prove shit to you. I'm tired of people tryna get in between me and her. Having to explain myself and shit. To be honest, you're lucky that she loves you still because after I heard about you, I wanted to smoke your ass. So with all due disrespect, don't fuck with my relationship."Jahseh turned away looking at me but I was distracted by the look Vito was giving my mother. 

I in the mafia, there's a thing for respect. You claim it or you lose it.

She cleared her throat, "I'm just trying to make sure my daughter is safe."

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