Chapter 6: Its you and I.

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We were near our destination and I received a call from Erica." Hello Daniella, you are misinformed, you need to get back to the police station immediately and don't worry I'll be there with your lawyer. I know I advised you to use Cannabis but it's not legal and after you get here you have to sign a paper for the police to search your house. I can't stay long but I don't want anything to happen to you love, move with haste before they send it to a judge." She rambled quickly and hung up. I hate her professional side. Like, yaasss sis! Get rich but don't talk to me like that.

"Babe," I said as I completely lowed down the music.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"We gotta turn around, they want me at the station and they're gonna search my house...if they do they know everything, I can't let that happen ."

"Don't worry imma deal with it," he said making a U-turn.

"Jahseh you can't kill all the police!" I whined in panic.

"Don't worry bout it ma," he said dialing a number on a disposable cell, putting it on speaker.

"Yo money!"

"Hey baby," Money replied in a high pitch voice.

"Mayne shut your gay ass up. Get Wayne, Kian, and Five, head to the suburbs, house #63. There is a safe-grab a paper"

"What's the main code baby?"

I called out the codes and gave directions to the keys.

"The safe is behind the art ply," he continued, "Y'all empty the safes and be careful with it too.  Completely wipe down and wear fucking gloves. I will kill all you niggas if you fuck up, You have forty -five minutes," He said hanging up.

As we drove off, I bounced my leg, still somewhat scared of the outcome. If he gets caught he could go to jail because of me. It hurts at the thought. He's the best thing that happened to me in a while and it's been 3 days.

"Let me tell you, something baby, you gotta stop bouncing around. They gon feed off your energy and try to break you. To avoid running around, I'm staying at the station with you cause they will ask who you were with. You are going to tell them you were with your best friend's brother. Your best friend's name is Aaliyah Smith. She is 23 years old and you met her at the Home Schooling association you went to. She is currently in Spanish Town Jamaica visiting her late father's family. They will ask you if we had sexual relations and you say no. If they ask if we are in a relationship, say no. When they ask you if they'll find drugs in your system, tell the truth. They'll drill you about your mother and try to get you to slip up with your story. They gonna ask you if you were angry at your aunt or that fool over and over again. I need you to stay calm. Keep the same energy. Don't go in there fake crying and shit. Request your therapist and your lawyer to be present at the same time. You might get charged for drugs but I'm not gonna leave you in there. Okay?"


"I got you, you know that I need to know that you got me too."

"I got you," I breathes as we pulled up, grabbing my bag and my phone.

"Stay strong for me," he said grabbing my chin and giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"I will."

When I walked in Erica and Mr. Johannes briskly walked up to me. I looked back to see Jahseh a little way behind me.

"I'm right here," he mouthed, sitting in the open lobby of the old, beat-up station, scrolling through his phone.

Erica was about to speak when another bulky man and a frail white woman walked up to us, "I am Officer Derrick and this is Officer Benson, We know it's a hard time, however, we need to book you for questioning."

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