Chapter 19:Promises.

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Wednesday 30th June at 1:00 am.

I just came back from the bathroom and I'm lying next to an obnoxiously snoring Jahseh. He's really tired as he's been trying to get ready for the trip tomorrow. All of the crew excepting Wayde and Five's shady ass is going, that's also including Erica. Naomi is staying at Kym's mother's house.

Shaniah and Money are doing better this week. He's returning to his normal self and she's already all jolly. Sis said she's feeling better and that she IS hopping on that plane tomorrow despite the doctor's orders. They've been holding Naomi a little closer these past few days which is good. They are still blessed to have her.

I haven't seen Erica a whole lot even though I've been back and forth between her and Jahseh's place because my social worker takes visits ever so often and the other day was the first. That's the only time I saw her, she's always 'busy', but she will be there tomorrow because she's my guardian and I have a feeling that she and Kym have something deeper going on.

Though James is still in the trap, I have stopped them from doing anything to him and also letting them give him all his meals. I even let them, let him call his baby mama. 

Annie is doing well, she's starting a 3-month long course next month and Sherene is going to an all-girl summer school where she leaves early in the morning and is brought back in the afternoon. I hired someone that is on staff to keep a close eye on her because you can never be too careful, I wouldn't want someone interfering with her in any way while she's there.

Jahseh and I have been praying together every day. When we get back, I'm going to start boxing class and he's going to be focusing on opening his club. We also signed up for yoga...well I nagged him until he agreed but yassss! We've been talking about being celibate and also facing all our childhood traumas together before moving to the next stage of our relationship. 

My phone started ringing and Jahseh groaned, I glared at him because his ass wasn't that aware last time, wasn't he? I watched the caller ID to see Erica calling. I got up and walked into the kitchen to answer her, not wanting to further disrupt Jahseh's sleep.

"He-"I started but was cut off.

"I'm pregnant!"Erica screamed into the phone. I twisted my face, brought the screen to my face to view the caller dial one more time, then I brought it back to my ear, "Girl What the fuck? Ain't you a virgin?"I asked in confusion.

"No dumbo. I drove to the nearest pharmacy, AN HOUR AWAY! and I got two of the most expensive pregnancy test, two of the medium-priced ones and two of them Muddafuckas for 50 cents! And all came back positive!"

I bust out laughing how is she pregnant and she took Kym home," Erica its been exactly ten days...and didn't you take Kym home?" I inquired.

"No Daniella you see...I was being a whore and I took both of them home, The two of them. THE TWO OF THEMMMM!!!!" She stressed loudly into my ear.

I gasped dramatically, "The two of who?"

"You know, You are so slow sometimes...Kym and Kian" she rushed out the last part.

"Dammnn! And what's up with that now?"

"we'reinagroupchat" she rushed out incoherently

"You in a what?"

"We're in a group chat," she stretched out like a child in trouble.

" what are you gonna do?"

"Well I called Angel and she said something bout deletus da fetus."

"What I tell you bout talking to that hoe? If you deletus anything Imma break your fat ass neck, when that dick was going into you without a condom, you shoulda heard their cries of a baby chile,"

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