Chapter 27.

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Tuesday 26th.

Jahseh, Shaniah, Money, and I were on our way to the safe house. Kym took Erica earlier and they were cooking and cleaning for when we got there.

"Seh, pass me the wipes, your rough ass driving threw down my shake, "Money hollered from the backseat.

"It's the road nigga!"Jahseh threw it at his head.

"Your ass brought this last week...Ewww what y'all be doing in here that you need so many wipes!?"

"Money! stop minding grown folks' business, "Shaniah sassed.

"My best friend younin. He cant be tainting ha like that!" he argued and I nearly spit.

Jahseh gasped dramatically and then coed, "Awww...Davonte knows a big word. Who's a good boy, yes you are. Yes, you are!"

"Shut up Lil trigga. Who hating their name now huh?Who?"Money sassed.

"Don't call me that...I'll fire your ass."

"Yeah! Pull that card. When you come by my club, don't expect no free drinks my nigga."


Their argument was cut off by the ringing of my burner phone. 

"Talk to me, "I spoke, seeing it was the guy working for me on the inside. 

"Fuego is in the hospital. She'll be down for a bit. I can't talk for long, she thinks you're on to her so we clearing out."

"Be safe then, Don't blow ya cover."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"What's up, babe?"Jahseh asked when he saw I was done.

"Your mum's in the hospital."

"You wanna kill her now?"

"Nope, let's relax for a bit. Enjoy this time," I smile, mischief playing in my eyes. I won't kick her while she's down. Let's do this with grace.

I but on my cole mix and we started nodding to the music.

"As we speak, I'm at peace, no longer scared to die. Most niggas don't believe in God and so they terrified..."I rapped along, looking at the scenery through the window. 

We pulled up to this villa-looking house and Aaliyah came out, carrying a suitcase.

"Baby come around, Don't let it near me please?!"Money begged Shaniah. She went around to him, leaving space for Ms.Bitch.

Soon we were on our way again. When Money started rapping along to Middle Child, Aaliyah started, "I love Cole! Like he's, My favorite!..." she went on about handsome she finds him, obviously tryna gain attention from Money who was laying on Shaniah's voluptuous chest like a child feigning for protection.

It was getting on my last nerves. She's disrespecting all that Cole stands for at this point in her monologue," What yo favorite album?"I asked.

She hissed, "the last one..duh"

"What's its name?"I questioned flatly.

"The come- no The fall-"

"The off-season.  Considering, everybody and their mama know bout that album and you don't, it's ya cue to give up."

She didn't say anything else. I can tell that she isn't all bad. She just craves attention. She needs someone to be nice to her. Jahseh has been doing that but I know she feels like he's obligated to.

"Jahseh, Mom says she wants to see me, why aren't can't I go?" she asked.

"Because she'll kill ya chicken-headed ass Aaliyah," he snapped.

"She loves me-"

"Look. If you wanna get burnt alive. Feel free. Let me know so I can drop ya ass off."

She stayed quiet, looking out the window but tears ran to her eyes. She wiped her face and was startled when she saw me looking at her in the rearview mirror. I didn't soften my expression but I just nodded at her as if to ask if she was okay. She shook her head, closing her eyes and leaning on the short piece of the window left up.

When we got to the safe house, we packed out our clothes, took a shower, ate, and now Jaheh and I are done praying.

We sat in the backyard,  sharing weed browning that Erica made. I was staring straight ahead but I could feel Jahseh staring at me. I saw him turn his head in the corner of my eye.

"Stop staring at me, "I laughed when I saw him glance at me again.

"My bad, you beautiful."

"Beautiful enough for you to sing for me?"

"Naww...."He answered, shaking his head.

"Fine, "I pointed like the clown I am, crossing my chunky arms

"Aite aiteeniiWhat you wanna hear?"

"What did when you were younger?"I asked.

"You get one verse and you ain't ever gotta talk bout this again," he threatened and I smiled knowing I was gonna boast. I know he can sing but he was just fooling around last time.

"It's been too hard living
But I'm afraid to die
'Cause I don't know what's up there
Beyond the sky" he sang with soul. My pores raised.

"You can't sing one verse of that songggg!"I whined, "Sing more!"

"You know blues?"


We were interrupted by Shaniah, "Baby bro did you just- Noooo! You finna start again!?"

"Damn!"Jahseh groaned, "No."


"Ah fuck you. I have been begging for years! Money is down by the lake though, you should talk to him, I'm gonna take a shower," she stated, walking away.

"Yeah, you need it!"Jahseh teased, kissing me and walking away, down the hill.

I was sitting alone for some time when Aaliyah came, "Can I sit?"

"Yeah, I guess.."I trailed off, surprised.

After about five minutes, she said, "You're really pretty," randomly.

"Quit bullshitting. What's up?" I stated. I didn't rough her up but the tension she was creating was killing me.

"I'm sorry about what I said to you the first day we met."

"Yeah. That's okay. Just don't disrespect me like that. I might be young but I love your brother with all my heart."

"How can you be sure?"

"I just know. He gives me stability and he makes me feel safe, wanted, and loved. He got me like that," I said with a smile.

"I wish I knew what that was like.." she trailed off.

"There are people that love you. You're just mean so you don't see it. Or you act like you don't. You got people around you that'll try to walk on water to save your ass if something goes wrong. Understand that you are lucky that you had somebody to protect you from the start, a lot of folks didn't have that."

She hummed in response.

I got up and before I went to our room, I said to her, "Appreciate those that you have and Apologise to those that you have to. I'm not sure you realize but we are all, always, one breath away from death. ."

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