Chapter 28: Family Reunion.

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Saturday 31st July.

I woke up to an empty bed. My heart dropped. I don't feel like myself today at all. Or is this how I feel? Did Jahseh leave me? I laid there for a bit, not being able to move. The usual morning banter filled my ear but not one of those voices was Jahseh's. 

I finally walked down the stairs, looking around and then walking into the kitchen where they were cooking and playing around but Jahseh was nowhere in sight," Where is he?"I asked, my voice shaky. Everyone looked at me and shrugged but Erica immediately saw that something was wrong.

"Did you take your meds last night?" Erica asked, getting up.

"Where is he?"I pressed, gritting my teeth.

"We thought he was asleep..." she trailed off, "Look don't worry okay..he'll be back. Come on. Take your meds.."

"He left me?..H-He left me-"

"No Dani, he won't leave you. He loves you, you know that."

"He left me," I started again. All eyes were on me. Tears ran down my face as I walked out of the room with Erica coming after me.

"Daniella you cant-"I cut off her shouting, slamming the door and locking it.

I started to shake, my breath shallow as I tried to scramble around for a razor in my bag. Erica was practically screaming on the outside but I ignored her. He left me. I made him promise and he still left. I hate being me. It's all my fault. Everyone leaves me. 

I dropped to the tiled floor, blade in hand, and I made a cut along my wrist and then another. And another. I winced at the pain but I didn't stop. I wanted it to be all over with. 

"Daniella please!" Shaniah called from the other side of the door,' He's coming back."I continued. I heard something about a wind My hand and nightgown were covered in blood and I started to feel a little woozy at the smell.

Soon after Jahseh bust through the door, not looking at me he turned to take off his coat. I was slumped against the dressing table, "Where is everybody?" he questioned, mostly to himself but gasped when he spun back.

"Why the fuck would you do that Danii?!" he rushed towards me.

"You left me..."I trailed off, hardly awake as he grabbed the first aid kit. 

"I went to get the burgers you said you wanted last night," he said, his voice thick with emotion, "What the fuckk!" he exclaimed as my eyes begin to close, "We gotta get you to the hospital, Mayne. Stay with me, baby. Please! S- Aye no- no No....."I felt myself being hoisted up but soon faded into the darkness.

I woke up to an annoying beeping sound, I tried to move but my hands felt tingly and one was bound by someone else's. I automatically knew it was Jahseh's and I pried my eyes open, looking around the plain room to see Jahseh at my side, Money Shaniah, Erica, Kym, and surprisingly Aaliyah were huddled up in the corner, on a couch made for two. They were all sleeping.

I reached for a bottle of water that was laying on Jahseh's lap, trying not to wake him but his eyes immediately shot open, "You're awake I swear to God, you do that shit again and imma shoot your ass," he got out in one breath, standing up and kissing my forehead, "I been here all day praying that you'd be okay," he then mugged me.

"Hello to you too, "I said softly.

"Naw, don't do that. I wouldn't leave your ass and you suppose to know that by now," he snapped.

"Why are you talking to me like that, "I rolled my eyes.

"I can talk to you how I want."

"We ain't together, "I sassed angry that he's starting this now.

He grabbed my neck, "That's where you wrong my dawg. That's where you wrong," he threatened, beginning walking out the room. I twisted my face at the bullshit," Where are you going?"I hollered.

"We ain't together, you ain't gotta worry bout it," he walked out. By now, Money and the rest of them were looking at me. I pulled the IV out of my arm and scrambled to my feet, following him, to the other's disapproval. I felt weak but who does he think he is?

He was in the elevator waiting for an old lady to get in. His eyes widened when he saw me. The people in the halls gave me weird looks too ass I was in a hospital robe. 

He began walking towards me briskly, "I can't handle you. Honestly."

"You were really leaving me this time?" I looked up at him as he put his coat around me.

"I'm not going to leave you, Daniella. Okay?"


"But nothing. Let's go back to your room. I'll call the doctor."


"I love you. I wanna smack you but I love you."

He called the doctor and she recommended therapy and that someone gives me them for the next few weeks.

Sunday 1st August. 

I got discharged and Money insisted that he had to wheel me out. He was pushing me to the exit and telling everyone to clear the way as if I was the queen. Just as we were about to reach out the doors my father bust in.

He immediately walked up to Jahseh and grabbed him by the collar, gaining the attention of everyone in the large area, "What I told you bout my Lil girl?!"

"Dad, "I straight-faced and so did Jahseh, I could feel Erica's gaze beside me.

He shook him, "Answer me Lil nigga!"

"Maurice Demario Damien Marcus! Put that boy down now!"We heard at the entrance and in walked my mother. How the fuck is she out already? I am not paying for this. 

"Queen don-"

"Excuse, we will have to ask you all to leave. You are disturbing patients and their families, "A security guard interrupted awkwardly.

"Shut up!" everyone said in unison, behind me and Money added, "Half these people dead either way, This the best shit they'll see before they go out."

My mother came toward me with a wide smile, hugging me as best as she could while I was sitting. At first, it was awkward but I relaxed after a bit. She was wearing all black as usual with red bottom heels, her hair covered by a scarf. 

I got off the chair and pulled her towards the exit and everyone followed because we were getting evil eyes from the guard. And you know that look that only white people could do. The 'if it was slavery days' look..yeah.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I-I forgot my meds and I had a little accident."

"But are you okay now?" she asked.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Most important."

Jahseh was driving, I sat in front and My mother and father sat in the back. He held my hand while he was driving and looked as if to ask if I was okay. I nodded and smiled.

"So what are you doing about Fuego Dani?" she asked.

"Queen is out, What are you doing bout her?" I asked.

"Don't try that hun. I'm retired. you tell me what y'all planned."

"Well, Right now we're laying low. I just want to get over with it but I won't strike while she's down," I stated.

"Have you contacted all the members?"

"Do I need to? I don't like people ma, "I whined. It's the first time I called her that.

"Ma?...I...I'll do it for you so they don't have to know you yet but eventually you'll need to do it on your own. My advice is though, laying low gives weak. You keep yourself safe by being one step ahead, not hiding. That being said, here are your people on the inside."

"Thank you, "I smiled. 

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