Chapter 14: "Strip"

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I grabbed my food that I made him stop for and stormed out of the car before he properly had a chance to park.

I bust into the house, threw off my heels, as I picked up in a haste down the corridor, I yelled, "The nerve of this nigga!".

I froze in my steps when I say the whole  crew putting up speakers and clearing up, looking at me.

"Hi guys," I said awkwardly with a Lil smile and they bust out laughing.

I washed my hands and sat next to Kim who was holding Naomi in one hand and an older baby in the other.

"Heyy...take one of them arms are killing me," she whined so I took Naomi. Her baby was also very pretty.

"What's her name?"


"How old is she?"

"Six months girl. I never thought I would have a child. I actually didn't want one but she's my world."

"Ohhh..."I wanted to ask her how she came about considering you know...she's a lesbian..and..well..she didn't want a kid.

"I was tryna get out the game so I got a job at a law firm. I stayed late to work one night and my boss raped me...Ion even know why he would try that with a real as nigga like me. I bit his dick and call the cops. Turns out it wasn't just me so his family has to pay for her still."

"Oh my...I'm so sorry...but how are you doing emotionally."

"I didn't deal with it. I acted happy even when I lost my girl, just for my baby because I was living for her alone. I felt used. After I had her though...I had to deal with everything. I left her with my mama and disappeared for a bit to find myself again. Took me 3 months but I did."

"I'm glad you did. I know it's really hard to deal with that."

"Did yo-"

"I didn't know the get-together was taking place here.." I cut her off, trying to avoid the topic any longer.

"Yeah. Jahseh doesn't know either."

I bust out laughing, "My god."

"You bringin' a friend?"


I invited Erica. She needed to get out more and now that she was my guardian, it was too risky to go to the club.

Jahseh walked in, glanced at everyone, then went into his bedroom, slamming the door. I quickly followed in anger, closing the door just as hard.

"What the fuck is it with the attitude today?! What happened?! Talk to me before I leave your ass!"

"Well go!"

"Aitee." I turned around acting like I was about to pack. I'm bluffing hard as fuck. He better stop me.

"What the fuck you think you doing with that bag. I got a show coming up and it's fucking me up, "He stressed, looking at everything in the room except me.

"When that bridge gets here, we finna cross it. You already old as fuck. I don't need you to be raising your blood pressure gramps."I smirked at him.

A small but mischievous smile graced his features as he took purposeful steps towards me. He held my chin, making me look up at him, an innocent glint in my dark brown eyes. His hand made a loose fist as he glided it from the bottom of my face to that of my already heaving chest, the coldness of his rings as they glided on my skin, left me in a heat. "Say my name right."


I suddenly felt a sting on my butt, "Wrong. Try again babygirl," he said softly but with enough authority to create a pool in my panties.

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