Chapter 31: So you don't like this?

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Wednesday 4th August.

We were settled and I just got off the phone with Malinda. She's helping Annie and Sherene get around as they've never been to Trinidad before. She says they're having the time of their lives so win-win. I was on the couch in Vito's entertainment room while the guys checked out his shooting range. Everyone slept through the eleven hours and it's six hours ahead here, we made it just in time for brunch.

"Hey girllll," Shaniah sat down beside me.

"Hey, what's up"

"Nothing, how are you and Jahseh? I just went down there and he's going crazy.."

"We are good, he's just stressed I guess like everyone else, "I replied, thinking about the situation.

"I am so sorry bout ya dad. That lady's a bitch, I'll pray for her soul."

"It's okay, really. I thought he was dead before so..."

"Are you excited about your birthday," she squealed changing the topic.

"I just want to have sex, the rest can suck it."

"eww, first y'all don't understand celibacy and now you're rushing," she twisted her face.

"Girl, we understand. It was supposed to be purposeful but we don't have time to keep sight of why we did it right now. Plus, being slung up is no fun if you can't get the D, "I coughed at the last part, making her laugh.

"Y'all is nasty as hell. If my man made me cum in traffic, we'd be done."

"I was scared as fuck and I'm telling you, I was panting and he said, 'WhErE wE Gon EaT?' or some shit, It was exciting though. We went and sat in that restaurant after and I felt like if everyone knew."

"That would kill me. I mean we ain't vanilla but we ain't all that either, the occasional ropes and cuffs are enough for me. I mean he likes those stuff but I'm scared as hell." 

"I have my limits but I'm willing to try most things. We haven't had an in-depth conversation but he said we need to talk about it before we continue. I have never celebrated my birthday like this though; like how y'all are planning. For years I've counted my birthday as February. When James came by us he told me that I was childish.."I trailed off in thought.

"..So he made you change your birthday?"

"I didn't understand the Math in it. It doesn't bother me anymore though. Like the cook would bake a cake or buy a cake at my mother's instruction but I wouldn't eat it because he would say it's not my birthday.."

"This year we are going to get you a big ass chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and brownies and fucking cheesecake and Ice-Cream. We're finna do it big. Baby, you are about to be an adult and you need t claim it!" she hugged me wiping away my frown.

"Okay, Have you seen Erica?"I asked as I haven't seen her in a bit.

"She's with them. You should see Aaliyah and Mr.Vito's son," she gossiped.

"At least she'll let go of Money."

"Damn straight!" she rolled her eyes.


"Daniella, why are you watching porn?"Jahseh looked up at me from the chair facing our bed which I was on.

"Pfft..I am not.. and why are you talking properly?"I looked up from my new phone.

"Babe, Ion even playing, Why do you have a subscription to a site like that? Like Eww!"He cringed.

"I am not watching porn Jahseh!"I whined.

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