Chapter 30:Check.

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3rd August ctd.

That was a warning shot and now there were repeated knocks at the front of the house. Looking out the window, I saw that it was police but Fuego and about eight other men. So I give the bitch a breather and she's trying to grab my lungs. Why is she knocking? The fuck she thinks it is, bad boys? I rushed to lock the door then went to the walking-in closet to open the back wall.

"What am I supposed to do? Can I help?"Erica asked frantically while I changed my clothes. 

"No, your ass is pregnant, Imma hide you."

"but Daniiii-"

After dressing, I walked back to the bed, pulled out the illusion mattress from the side of the bed, and made her side in underneath, "Don't come out till I tell you and don't make a sound. There is a gun under there in case of anything. If this is moved and nobody says anything, come out shooting. You hear me?"

"Why I gotta be white? A black woman would've been, pregnant, nursing with a gun in one hand and knife in the other."

"Erica. Shut the fuck and stick your head in, shii." I closed back the bed.

" Daniella! look at me!"I heard Jahseh in a whisper yell from by the window. He was hanging on a ledge and a shaking Money was next to him. 

"What in the white people?!" I said as I helped them up, "Why y'all nigga in here?"I asked as I watched Money pull Kym through as well.

"Babe, Money's dumb ass moved the guns from the bathroom. And Kym and he ran in while I was taking a shit, I feel violated"Jahseh whined and I answered," Boy y'all best shut up, Fuego just got inside," while looking through the other window.

"Way my baby at?"Kym started looking around.

"She's hiding, talk and she'll hear you."

I handed them guns and soon we were out of the room. Shaniah was in the kitchen so we need to move fast even though she could handle herself. I'm not sure where my parents are but they are always armed. While I might be angry at my father right now, I hope he's safe. We aren't sure of where Aaliyah is and she's the softy in the set. I can trust Erica to pop a nigga but Aaliyah? I won't put my head on a brick for it.

Jahseh stayed in front of me while we walked down. There were loud shuffles in the kitchen and Money and Kym went towards the noise while we looked around in the dining room. Jahseh's expression changed from neutral to that of anger when Fuego said, "Daniella, I know you can hear me... You were a good girl, right? Do you want to risk your life for my son? That makes you foolish my child." 

I was about to answer but Jahseh whispered to me, "She's trying to figure out where you are. Don't answer."

"Fine, then we'll do it like that, speak Aaliyah."

"J-Jahseh!?Help me please! Please."

He peeped through the doorway but did not move.

"Oh Come on son, I'll kill her. You know I will."

Another bullet sounded and a shriek came from the kitchen.

"Bitch you got to be kidding me, coming after my daughter, "I suddenly heard my mother's voice. It sounded as though she was higher up," Johansson left the coffee shop on Fifth street two minutes ago, It'd be a shame for Vito to kill him in that shady parking lot, wouldn't it? Or Vincentelli to shoot your, dear Mama,  by mistake while she's walking from the market.."

"Q-Queen, what are you doing here?"Fuego sounded shocked.

"Drop the girl and walk. I don't kill kids and you know that. Come back when you are not filled with demon spawns."

"I will be back, "There was a falling sound and then the clocking of heels," Or and Queen, Maurice said Sorry to Daniella. You always like the idea of a red pool, you don't have to retile this one." I gasped in realization and flew out of my hiding spot, pointing the uzi towards her, "I'll kill you, I don't care."

She smiled and a gun clocked behind me, partly turning to see Jahseh with a gun to his head while he dropped his. 

"There is a flaw here, don't you see. Goodbye Daniella," she motioned the man to come towards her and they exited, backs turned to the double doors.

I watched through the window to see them going off. I shook my head, walking towards Jahseh and hugging him. I want this to be over so bad. Shaniah, Money, and Kym came outside dragging two nearly alive men.

"You had a clear shot!"I yelled at my mother after coming out of his embrace.

"I grew up with Vito. We don't kill kids and women aren't even supposed to be involved."

"You grew up with people in the Mafia around you but it's not the same now ma. She burned to kids alive the other day."

"I won't kill her unborn child and you should know better than thinking I would."

"You think I want to kill her baby? She was in the hospital so I didn't want to go at her while she was down and pregnant."

"I understand that Daniella, but there is a way of doing these things. Now hurry up and go grab y'all stuff so we can torch the place," her voice pained.

"What about Dad?"

"She killed him Mija."

"But we can at least have a funeral-" 

"He already had a funeral, we can't have him die twice. We have to leave here now, we'll come back after she has the baby."

I shook my head. I've already grieved my father and it feels as if I can't cry about it again.

We packed our bags after heaping the bodies together and taking a sleeping Erica out from under the bed. Aaliyah was still shaken up.  Jahseh and Money soaked the place in gasoline and lit it on fire. We piled into two cars and were soon on our way to the airport. My mother and Aaliyah were in the backseat of our car, bonding on styles that they liked with the occasional giggle. Jahseh sat in the passenger seat while I drove because his mind was far. 

Soon my phone chimed and I check to see it was a message from an unknown number that I couldn't reply to. It was a picture of two slung-up, dead men who were my informants. The picture was captioned 'check'. "Take the sims out of your phones now, "I said to them. They acted while I slowed down to tell Money when he drove beside me.

"From now on, no Facebook, no Instagram, No nothing, "Jahseh said as I showed him the message. 

"Ma, where are we going?"I asked.

"I'm thinking Sicily."

"Baby, you good with that?"I turned to him.

"As long as we are straight," I smiled and looked down at his hand on my thigh.

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