Chapter 22: Make yourself-

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Thursday, July 8th, 10:00 am.

We've just landed. Money and Shaniah decided that they were going to stay back a while, while we left earlier than we planned to because Jahseh had some issue with a deal. He's pissed now because he got a message saying that they dealt with it. We had a great time and promised Granny to visit her again before summer was up. Kym and Kian were getting Erica out of her shell more and more which is weird to me. I didn't think she'd start to take it seriously considering her ill streak but she seems happy and that's most important.

Other than going to beaches, Jahseh and I mostly slept over the past few days. And we dozed off on the plane so he says he's taking me out tonight and that he'll send something for me to wear while he's out for the day. I went to a salon yesterday in Port-of-Spain and got cornrows that mold my hair up in a long high ponytail, decorated with gold beads.

I packed out his clothes into the closet and put mine in the draws he cleared for me.

Around six, a lady in skin-tight, suit-like attire dropped off a black box with Gold Engravings of a popular store's name. 

I sat the box down on his bed, almost scared to open it. After fiddling with the expensive-looking cover for a bit, I removed it. A thick black, leather dress, black, red bottoms, matching lingerie, and last but not least, a D ringed choker, was laid out as I removed the items one by one. Damn Jahseh. Damn, I didn't know he was this serious. Am I so serious?

About half an hour later, he let me know what time he intended for us to leave.

For makeup, I did light glam with dramatic wings and a red and black lip combo with a light gloss. I put on the underwear, shoes, and dress which I couldn't wear a bra with because of the deep cut. Even though I felt extremely sexy in it, I was trying to avoid a nip slip or in this case a boob fall. What if I don't look as good as I feel? What if he doesn't like it. 

Choosing to ignore my insecurities, I smoothed out material out with my manicured hands, turning away from the mirror to see Jahseh. Instead of a sweater, he wore a black silky shirt, dress pants with a single chain around his neck, and a band on his wrist. 

"Damn, "was all escaped his mouth as he licked his thick lips scanning my body over and over.

"Hey," I said to him, reaching for the collar.

"Let me," he reached for it and I gracefully spun around.

He took a step closer to me, his front, brushing on my back, his cool breath falling on my exposed neck, while he buckled the material. It held up against my skin but I wasn't losing air.

"You look so good, "He put his arms around me.

We were soon on our way. I was tense with anticipation but I refused to ask him anything. We were however talking about school.

"What do you wanna do after you graduate?"

"I don't know, plus Graduation was on Monday...What did you do after grads?"

"Why didn't you say that, We would've done something."

"Forget it, "I replied not caring, "What did you do?"

"Nothing really, I was already in the game and I had some shit to do. I was prepping for college though."

"You went to college?"

"Yeah, I majored in Language and Business, minored in art. Shit was ass though."

"You fucking lying! I did not think that."

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