Chapter 23:Weary

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Friday 16th July. 

Jahseh left for work at his store about an hour ago, I'm cooking and he just called, "Noo baby, I'm tired of these damn people, 'sir this sir that' ", he paused," like why da fuck did I hire these people? Just now lemme go out there, this hoe keeps knocking on my damn door."

I heard some shuffling and I snickered.

"Your ass will get fired, Your ass will get fired, Your ass definitely is getting fired! All of you getting motherfucking fired, "I chuckled loudly. The exhibition of his new line is coming up and he wants to be done.

"Do I pay your ass to come to work and call your deadbeat baby daddy's phone? NO! You fucking fired! You know what imma do this shit myself. EVERYBODY FIRED!"

There was loud movement in the background like chairs dragging.

"Babe I know you're stressed but-,"I started but was cut off by him saying, "You know they bitch asses leaving."

"Sit all your asses down. Acting like y'all ain't on contract-"

"Sir but you said-"

"I heard what I said Lauraaaa. Y'all get this design finished by the end of the day or I'm shooting up this joint."

"Jahseh you can't do-"I began again.

"Sir, "The white-sounding shawty started again, "Why are you speaking like that today?"

"Mayne, I speak how I want to, when I want to. Don't you work across the street?"

"I'll sue you for verbal assault."

"Keeping up the pale face tradition, I see. I'll sue you for trespassing on MY property after I told ya ass I want you here no more, then for defacing property when ya rub ya stank ass up with Dion up in that washroom. Now leave my place and don't come back, this ain't the red light district."

The door slammed.

"Babe, you can't be so mean to your employees."

"One day I come in late and ain't nobody doing shit. They 'bout to be ex-employees for real. Everybody has been getting me angry today and I can't take the shit. I was supposed to be off the game is heating up. I got opps that ain't suppose to be opps up in this motherfucker. I just wanna come home and layup with you ma."

"I understand babe, come home for lunch."

"No I'm coming home, and staying home. I hate these people I got some shit to tell you."

"Calm down, everything's gonna be alright, we'll deal with it."


"I love you Dumbfuck."

"I love you too brainless, see ya in a bit."

Jahseh came home, we ate, took a shower and now we're laying in bed, cuddling.

"My mother killed my dawg," he stated out of the blue, making small circles on my arm with his index finger.

"I'm sorry for your loss babe. You sure it was her?"

"She the only person I know that light people's heads on fire."

"You serious, Dammmnnn. For what though?"I turned to look at him. He was deep in thought.

"She doesn't want us together."

"How does she know?"

"Somebody close fucking with me. I know it's not Money or Kym, maybe I can stretch and say Kian but I can't put my head on a brick for no one...especially with Fuego's ass involved."

"I'm taking over though."

"She won't be moving with ya mother's crew, she's smarter than that."

"Well, I got you. We'll figure some shit out."

Jahseh was asleep and I was also nearly there but Erica sent me a text saying 'sos' with a warning sign. That's something we used when we went out together if we needed help considering I would sit at the bar most of the night and I would send her off to do her do. 

"Jahseh I gotta go, Erica's in trouble, "I slipped out of his hold, waking him up.

"Damnnn! No rest for the wicked or the innocent," he looked at me when he said wicked, I already slid my slides on and was loading my gun and his. I was wearing sweats as usual and he was in short pants and a white wife-beater.

"You know your ass ain't Innocent, Meet me in the car, "I walked out before him while attempting to call her phone.

Jahseh and I got to her house quickly as it was still work hours. I used my key to get in, Jahseh hot on my steps. 

Erica was sitting on her couch in a feeble position and immediately looked at me with tears in her eyes, "H-He killed him, Dani. He killed him!"

"Who, who killed who?"I inquired, sitting next to her on the edge of the chair, Jahseh walked past the chair and into the open bedroom.

"Fuckkkk!"I heard him before she answered, "Five didn't know Kian was here and he popped up. When he was dragging me to the bedroom, he saw Kian and he shot h-him and ran. I-can't. I can't!" she cried into her open palms.

My eyes widened in despair. Jahseh walked back outside, his gun still in his hand and his jaw clenching but he said nothing at all.

"Babe.."I looked at him. He walked over to me, kissing my forehead, the pain visible in his eyes. 

"You know I love you right," his voice raspy yet strong with emotion. 

I immediately grabbed his hand, pulling him to follow me down the stairs.

"Jahseh, when I said I got you, what you think I mean huh...we not finna do that shit you was thinking bout thinking to thought bout to fucking say. I got you, shit just took a big fucking turn and I know that this hurts but nigga you fucked up if you think imma leave yo ass because of that. Imma be right by you so don't start that shit, "I looked him in his eyes. 

He nodded reluctantly, picking up his phone, sitting on a nearby kitchen stool, and putting a dialed call on speaker.

"Hello Jahseh, you liked the little gift I see, calling so soon? "I'm sure it was Fuego because of the way she pronounced his name.

"I'll kill you and I'll let your mother watch. When I'm finished, I'll bulldoze everything you worked for. You won't see a fucking cemetery, just know that."

"I gave you life and this is how you talk to me boy?"

"Fuck yourself." he hung up.

"Go get Dora and get all you shit that was in the safe."

I hate that this part of life keeps pulling my ass in.

He pulled me in just as I was about to walk off, laying his head on my shoulder "I'm tired. I hate it. I don't catch a break mayne. I can't deal with this shit...that was my family in there. Scary as fuck outchea man and it be my own people," his voice cracked," Imma keep you safe, I promise."


This chapter is dedicated to my dawg Kyron. I wish we could get you back. May God bless your soul g🙏🏿. Gone way too soon. I miss your goofy ass so much, all the damn time.


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