Chapter 21: Superstitions and Deprived Orgasms

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Saturday, July 3rd.

We just arrived at Jahseh's Grandma's house. It has two levels and is painted blue and white. I'm nervous as hell because we are sleeping here for most of the rest of the time in Trinidad. Money and Kian carried the bags up to the gallery.  We came in a rented seven-seater minivan.  

My hair was in a wrap as my retouched locs got frizzy because I slept without a bonnet. I was also wearing a calve-length, back body-con dress with hoops and sandals, to match Jahsehs all-black attire. 

This thick dark sinned, older lady with waist-length locs came down the stairs in a loose house dress, her hands on her waist as she walked towards us, hugging Jahseh and then me, "Seh, I swear yuh ain't know way I living or who I is again innuh," she reached up and slapped him upside the head.

"Who is dis? Way de jezebel yuh did bring de last time?" she asked him before he could answer her previous statement.

"Ma this is Daniella, my girlfriend and I ain't forget ya, can't do that," he grabbed a blunt from his pocket, and I immediately snatched it from him after telling his Grandma hello. He glared at me then mumbled, "Trisha's dead."

"I ain't forget ya," she mocked his accent smacking him again, "If yuh didn' send money, I wouldna know you alive yuhself. Come on let we go inside, Yuh friend, Dollar, and them done by the pool. Why dey come here if all dey going and do is complain bout de sun," she shook her head leading us up the stairs. Jahseh held my hand, as usual, making me smile.

"Yuh know last month, yuh wretch or ah sister leave here with all mih Jewellery. The Lil bitch ain't even leave some gold dust."

"Ion fuck with her ass, You finna get back your jewelry though, "Jahseh said as we sat down on the floral chair set.

"I know yuh Lil gangsta way yuh dey now but dho cuss in my house. I will run up yuh chest and slide down yuh back."

"Ite ma, ite," he sucked his teeth.

She lived in Sangre Grande, the place wasn't all that noisy until late in the evening when the music started to play and more people started buzzing around. 

I helped Grandma make dinner and we ended quite a lot. She told me stories about growing up here and how she ended up in JA with her ex-husband who she only got married to because he asked her father for his hand in marriage. Jahseh hadn't visited for four years but always sent her money and stuff that was expensive here. 

We, all except Money and Shaniah who went for a drive, saying they need some time, were sitting out in the gallery, Erica got comfortable fast around the lady. They seemed very pleased with each other and the place had an easy-going vibe. Everyone was eating fry bake and salted fish for dinner wish Cocoa Tea. In the middle of eating, Grandma got up and went to light incense and pass the smoker inside the house, only to then leave it the steps frame saying," Don't mind de smoke, is for we own good," then sitting again. 

"What is that for?"Erica asked, putting down her food for a bit. Kym shook her head as if she knew something was coming. Jahseh finished eating and rested his clean hand on my covered thigh, his loose-haired head, on my shoulder. 

"To keep 'jumbies' away, "Jahseh took to answering her but her confused expression only deepening making him sigh, "They say-"

Grandma cut him off," A jumbie is like ah evil spirit but man is in control ah when it taking form. It has what we call 'bad prayers'. The beholder has to pass it down to somebody in order to die. If dey ain't do it, they will suffer till they have no choice."

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