Chapter 12: How do you want to die?

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Friday 18th June.

We stayed and that position for a bit until Money asked, "You okay?" plopping back onto the couch.

"Not really.."I said softly.

"I'll kill him."

"Thanks, I guess.."

"He finna suffer. Next time don't leave before I answer. Seh's finna kill me when I tell him.." he stated, looking at the ceiling along with me.

"I'm sorry you had to see that...but thanks for showing up"

"Ain't shit to be embarrassed bout. We all got our demons. Imma always show up for you."

"I'll tell Jahseh myself."


A while later, Wayde and Kian showed up with a huge cooler like the ones you see at the fishing docks, greeting us but then immediately going upstairs and coming back down, noises now coming from the box. They put James in there. Damn.

Money dropped me off outside Jahseh's place and told me if I wanted the company to go see Shaniah but I wasn't in the mood.

I slipped inside Jahseh's place and surprisingly, the living room was empty, void of his sister. I got a bottled water from the refrigerator and planned to take my meds and then get to looking through my mother's file.

When I opened the door what I saw shocked me though. A woman was leaning against the headboard in red lingerie, her legs crossed but she appeared to be sleeping as her mouth was wide open.

As I got closer, I noticed scars, all about and 2 inches wide on her exposed stomach. So this is Trisha huh. Cute.

I tiptoed towards the draw to get my gun. I then sat in the corner chair. I pulled the clip out and pushed it back in with a snap.

She jumped awake, her eyes immediately meeting mine.

"Hello!" I exclaimed with a bright smile, playing with the Glock in my hand.

"W-who are you?" she asked obviously startled.

"No baby, the question is who are youuu. And why are you here?"My crazy smile never fading.

"Trisha. Jahseh called me here."She tried to fake confidence.

"You see Trisha, I'm Daniella. Jahseh's girl. Annnnddddddd.."My cheerful tone changed to one of complete anger, "You just lied to the wrong motherfucking person bitch. You see, I've had a really bad day. And I ...well I... I don't like you. I hate you, for a fact. So you have three options. One, I shoot you. Two I let you, shoot yourself. Or...I can make you hang yourself. And make it snappy I have something to get to." I got up, pointing the gun at her.

"Omgg...Just kill her. I hate when villains do this. You talk talk talk and then kill them anyway.. KILL HER!"

I laughed out loud as I walked towards her, "Jasmine shut up. I am not the Villan here."

"Move away from me. You crazy bitch!" She ran to the corner of the room.

"I'm not crazy. Don't say that!" I gritted my teeth, "Now how do you want to die?!"

I walked over to her and she cowered down, in a now fetal position as she cried and begged.

"No no, no baby. When you were killing your child, did you cry? Hahahaaah... Exactly.Let's get it over with."

I step back, grabbing the gun in the top draw and placed and stuck it on my waist.

I held her by her hair and dragged her to the storage closet and grabbed some rope. I took her to the stairwell made her tie the rope at the top and around the neck, giving her directions.

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