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nishimura riki

< ♡ >

the maknaes of two rookie groups fell in love


nishimura riki

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nishimura riki

nishimura riki

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song jia

< ♡ >


— please remember this is a FANFICTION and nothing is meant to be taken seriously or reflects any aspect of the idol's personality

— this is fruit of my imagination, any stories with the same title or plot are completely concidencial

— I won't tollerate any type of plagiarism, I will report you if try to stole my ideas

— english IS NOT my first language,  for any grammatical error or typo let me know so that I can correct it

— I'm not experienced in writing, I'm not that good and I'm still a beginner. My writing isn't that awesome and I write cringe stuff

— IMPORTANT: there will be mentions of self harm, abuse and possible suicide. Please leave if you can't handle any of those

— comments and votes are HIGHLY appreciated, I would love to see any comment on my story so that I know you're enjoying it. Silent readers aren't welcomed here!

< ♡ >

you know me more than anyone else on this world

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