t w e n t y t w o

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"Ni-ki don't end the call yet" Jia sighed in frustation as Ni-ki ended her twelve call for that day

"Are you sure you want to go back to your hometown?" Julia asked as she took a bite of her snack

"They allowed me to visit my family.."

"But you said you didn't wanted to see them"

"There's only one member of my family that I want to see"


"Junghoon" the seventeen-year-old girl's mouth formed an 'O' shape

"So what happened this time? Why is he rejecting your calls?"

"We were seen together, so fans speculated that me and him were dating. I denied them without talking to him but he wanted to make us public, now I feel more guilty than ever" a sigh escaped her lips as her hand rested on her forehead

"How about you? I thought you were going out with Sunoo today?" Julia shook her head multiple times after hearing that one particular name

"We're talking about you here. You aren't gonna show at his dorm again right?"

Shaking her head with a nervous expression after being pratically exposed, Jia plastered a smile on her coral lips "n-no"

Julia sighed "I know that you want to make things right but... if you're always the one trying to fix things he did then this relationship is not worth it"

"I don't want to tell you this Jia but it might end only in a break up.."

Julia is right, if he love her then why she's always the one that tries to make this relationship work?

Even when it's not her fault?

This relationship wasn't worth it for her, or at least, not now

But she couldn't bear the pain of letting him go, even if that means that she will always be the one running from a dorm to the other just to talk to him

Because as much as she tries to deny it, he is the love of her life

All relationships are meant to end one day, right?

She won't be the first girl he will introduce to his parents, she won't be the girl he will see every day or she won't be the girl he will love for the rest of his life

"Ni-ki-kun.... we need to talk.." a sigh escaped her lips as she looked down

"We....." the words unable to escape her mouth "we need to break up"

"These 6 months with you were the best months of my life but... I feel like I'm the only one that wants to make this relationship work sometimes.."

"J-Jia, love, I do want to make this work—"

"Then why I was always the one that came here just to have a conversation with you..?"

"Why I was always the one that couldn't sleep because of guilt...?"


Why? Why was he that stubborn to not think while doing this?

Ni-ki didn't knew why he did like that, it was his fault if they were now falling apart after all

Yet, it was always Jia that felt guilty until now

"I...." speechless, that's what Ni-ki was. Nothing could escape his mouth at that moment, nothing more than air "Jia, I know what I will say will not make sense but... I just don't want to lose you and I can't.... put it into words.." he took her hand

"You know, I'm the first in my group to feel this, and I'm the maknae" he confessed her while caressing her hand with his tumb

"What I'm trying to say is that, even if I'm the youngest and the one that doesn't know a single thing about love, I experienced it for the first time with you and...." he looked away elaborating the right words to say "and I want you to be the one that will make me feel it until I can"

Jia couldn't hold it anymore, she bursted in tears. Not sad, but happy ones

All it took was some words to make Jia understand how worth it this relationship was

Maybe Ni-ki just needs to make the first step next time

Maybe Jia just needs to give some time to him

And maybe they just were unexperienced in things like love

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