t w e n t y n i n e

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"We're really sorry to inform all energy's fans that Song Jia ended her contract due to personal reasons" Jia read the announcement again and again, not believing what's happening

"I'm so stupid Riki, I didn't had the time to tell the company about my parents.." the girl sniffed again and hugged Ni-ki as she started crying once again

"And now? Am I going back to Japan? Does that mean that I have to go back home and get abused again?" Ni-ki chupped her face and wiped her tears with his thumb softly

"I-I'll fix this, I promise I'll fix this mess made by your parents and you'll never suffer again angel, I promise you'll get the justice you deserve.." he kissed her forehead and hugged her tighly

"What about our relationship? How can we keep it alive if we can't comunicate? Do we have to break up?-" she hicupped in between her words

So many questions were running inside her mind and she couldn't answer to any of them

"Shh angel, calm down. In a way or another we're gonna stay together, hmm? Remeber, we're not gonna break up-"

*knock knock!*

A knock interrupted him which made their heads turn to the door

"Your parents are here, pack your things Jia" her manager told her as Jia felt a panick attack knocking on her door

"I don't want to go... I don't want to go back to my past.. I can't handle all that pain again Ni-ki-kun.." she could only cry more and more

"Don't cry angel. I promised you you'll escape that hell again and I will keep that promise" Riki stood up and sighed, taking all her bags

"Don't let me go please.." Jia hugged Ni-ki like a koala and snuggled her face in the crook of his neck while sniffing

"Jia your parents are waiting-" her manager stopped talking after seeing what the couple was doing

"I'll leave you five minutes.." the woman cleared her throat and closed the door

"I'll miss you Riki.." Jia broke the hug and sniffed again "can I.. at least have a goodbye kiss?"

And without hesitation, Ni-ki chupped her face again and connected their lips. As much lovely the kiss was, it held nothing but pain and sadness

Guess their love story was meant to end like romeo and juliet

Sad, and nothing else. They won't be really spending the rest of their lifes together then? their predictions were true? they won't end up together in the end?

Life isn't always unicorns and rainbows, not all the people that meant something to us will stay. After all, pain is a journey everyone goes trough, it's not meant to hurt us but to make us stronger

right? but how can it makes us stronger if it breaks us? and why with love always comes pain?

Why couldn't they have their happy ever after? why can't he just freeze time and live this moment forever? with the love of his life by his side and not in Japan broken?

why is love such a complicated feeling? there are so many whys and yet no one answers them

They couldn't enjoy their last kiss, their emotions came to the surfice as tears streamed down their cheeks

was this too drammatic? isn't this a nightmare where she'll wake up with Ni-ki by her side to greet her a good morning and remind her how cute she was in his eyes?

Oh how much she prayed for it to be. Yet it wasn't, it was the reality they had to face

"I'll miss you more angel..." and so he had to let go. He had no other choice but to let go and see the girl who managed to make his heart go crazy for the first time in his life flying away from him and going back to her suicidal life

"I had to let go of you even if I didn't wanted to.."

In front of her dorm, there he was. Crouched in front of the door while buring his face in his knees and crying

It rained again and he was there, getting soaked wet as his tears mixed with the rain

"I'm sorry Song Jia.. forgive me.."


( random note ): one more chapter to go until the epilogue ! some drama ( maybe way too much - ) but anyways the last chapter will be up tomorrow ! ( i hope )

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