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"How..." Jia stared at the empty box of food "...did I ate all of this?"

Come to think of it, she liked the feeling of food inside her stomach

She didn't felt empty

Jia blankly stared at the blanket covering her body and took a sip of her citron tea while her mind filled with unaswered questions

What happened to her? Why she suddenly changed? Why she didn't disliked that much food all of sudden?

The sound of the door clicking interrupted her thoughts

"Hi love~" Jia looked up as her boyfriend smiled and waved

"Are you feeling better than this morning?" Jia nodded as Ni-ki gave her a quick kiss on her left cheek

"The doctor said that you can get discarged tomorrow"

"Ni-ki-kun, can I ask you something?" The boy looked at her with a smile and nodded

"How did you finded me?"

If she remembers right, she never told anyone about that place so how could Ni-ki know about it?

"Well," he scratched his nape "you talked about it in your sleep"

"I-I— I talk while I'm sleeping?" Ni-ki nodded

"Remember that time we went to our old apartment?" Jia nodded while being slightly confused

"You fell asleep and you talked about an abandoned area near a old coffee shop so I assumed you were there..."

Honestly, she doesn't know if she was glad about that fact or not

What if that night she wouldn't have told him about it? Will she still be here? Alive?

Eventually, Ni-ki decided to stay there for the night, again

Jia insisted telling him to go back to his dorm and properly rest but Riki, being the stubborn boy he is, already setted up there and didn't even tried to consider her advice

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" Jia nodded for the last time

"I told you Riki, I'm not sick or anything"

"Still, if you need anything call me or wake me up, ok?"

"Okie" Jia finally fell alseep as Ni-ki had time to watch her godly features without being disturbed

He took her hand and caressed it with his tumb

he stared at his girlfriend that was sleeping peacefully as cute little snores came from her direction

Her black strands covered her face as Ni-ki stroke them behind her ears

She was ineeded ethereal

Temptation took the best in him as his face grew closer to hers until their lips were inches apart

He closed his eyes and shook his head before backing up

He isn't in a fanfiction were the male kiss his girlfriend while she's sleeping

Wake up Nishimura Riki

What he haven't noticed yet, was the scar on her wrist

and he doesn't have to know that's why Jia always wears a big rubber band to cover it up

Ni-ki looked at her hand before starting playing with her fingers

"Riki....." she whispered

"Hmm?" He looked up and hummed

"Would you still love me if I had a disorder?" The boy was taken aback

Why would she ask such question so sudden?

"What do you mean Jia-yah?" Riki frowned

"Just answer, if I had a disorder, would you love me like you love me now?"

"Yeah, I don't see any reason why my love for you should change, if you had a disorder, I would stay by your side and help you overcome it"

Jia smiled and opened her arms for a hug "I love you Riki"

Was she asleep?

That's what Ni-ki was asking himself, this seems like a conversation she would do in real life

He knows how many worries she had but it looked so out of the blue for him

She's asleep, yeah she's asleep

Ni-ki hugged her "I love you too Jia"

"Boss," the man held his hearpiece "our plan isn't going as planned"

"He said yes"

"Are you sure about that?" Ni-ki turned to face Jake

"Yes Jake-hyung, I'm sure. My ears would never betray me" Jake sighed and wrapped an arm around his shoulder

"Maybe she was just testing you? Girlfriends do it a lot with their boyfriends to see if they really love them"

"But this question was so out of the blue, like she was sleeping and then she asked that"

"I don't know man, I've never been in a relationship before" Jake shrugghed

This was odd for Ni-ki, why should she ask that question at night while sleeping?

Does that mean something? Is that an hint?

A groan escaped his lips as he wiped his sweat

He hates it, he hates being clueless

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